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Why did I realize too late?


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Well I have gotten my self into a bit of a tricky situation. Basically i started hanging around this girl, and it was obvious that she liked me however I wasn't sure I felt the same so I tried to just remain friends with her. However the more I hung out with her and talked to her the more I began to like her. Unfortunately by the time I realized this it turns out she started talking to her ex again and wants to be with him again and now I think she has lost interest in me! I still talk to her as a friend but thinking about it hurts because I know I could have been with her had i been more sure about what I wanted. I think it is too late now for me to make a move because I don't want to interfere with hr and her ex as I'm not the type to get involved with other's business. Any suggestions or did I blow it? Thanks in advance I know i wrote a rather formidable wall of text!

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Do you really think so? The problem is that I really like her now, and I can't stop thinking about the way things could be be. Maybe you are right but at the same time I feel like I should try my luck, I would hate to just let us slide apart and never kno what could have happened. I have enough regrets and I would rather find out the hard way if things aren't gonna work rather than just not try.

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