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The other darkside of dating for MEN ONLY................


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CD i didn't read all of your replies but now that the weather is pretty why not pack a picnic lunch and take her to a park or a lake?


I can only imagine she would be terribly impressed if you take the time to pack the lunch yourself, i.e. make sandwhiches, pack some chips, condiments, napkins, a nice blanket to sit on, and maybe a bottle of wine. Pack a flower (very carefully so it wont crush) and put it in her hair when you get there.



That way if you are adamant about paying for her cabfare you can afford it since you aren't springing for a pricey restaraunt.

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What kind of girl are you dating that she expects you to pick up the whole tab all the time? Most decent women with jobs don't expect the guy to pay for everything and like to trade off and pay for their part of the tab.


Big red flag if a woman expects expensive dates and for you to pay for everything. She may want a free ride and expect for you to pay for everything for her, forever.

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I dated a guy who paid for my cab fare - he made a huge salary, I was a student living with my parents - I let him do so a few times but then stopped. Had I not been a student with no money (and had he not been making a big salary) I am sure I would have thanked him for his offer and done my best not to accept it (I did date two guys who insisted on taking me home in a cab and then having the cab take him home even out of his way and he wouldn't take $ from me).


I totally agree that inexpensive/free dates can be just as fun if not better. Right now it doesn't sound like $100 is within your budget and that's totally fine.

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What kind of girl are you dating that she expects you to pick up the whole tab all the time? Most decent women with jobs don't expect the guy to pay for everything and like to trade off and pay for their part of the tab.


Big red flag if a woman expects expensive dates and for you to pay for everything. She may want a free ride and expect for you to pay for everything for her, forever.


It doesn't sound like this girl expects it as much as CD just wants to offer it. That's good - he sounds old fashioned with dating and that is a dying thing so its nice, however, he shouldn't feel he HAS to do the cabfare thing. Now if she is really low on money (like in batyas example above) and can't afford it then i can see why he wouldn't want to go on the date at all if he can't spring for it.


When i did the dating thing i always insisted i pay half. I will admit that the guys who were adamant about picking it up did seem more chilvarous but it wasn't a deal breaker if they relented after my insistance. It would depend on other factors about him as a person. If i thought he relented because he wasn't made of money that would be fine. If he had lots of money and i knew that, and he jumped on every chance for me to pay i'd feel he was just cheap.


I do, however, udnerstand why CD wants to pay for her cabfare. It is a nice gesture and i dont think he is over the top in wanting to try to do it, but i think if not doing it means not going out at all he might need to rethink it.

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What kind of girl are you dating that she expects you to pick up the whole tab all the time? Most decent women with jobs don't expect the guy to pay for everything and like to trade off and pay for their part of the tab.


Big red flag if a woman expects expensive dates and for you to pay for everything. She may want a free ride and expect for you to pay for everything for her, forever.


Yes--if she doesn't at least offer to pay, I'd be very suspicious. Of course, it's fine if you decline, but she should at least offer, especially when it comes to her cab fare. CD, over time, I think you should let her pay for some things here and there though even if you insist on paying for other things.

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