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What would you do?


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he told me no. he said he can't commit to that and it is a big deal for him.




i would let them into my place for a week, absolutely. if our relationship is solid, and he needs a place to crash, of course i would. plus, it would be a good test of how we got along for a longer period of time.


i don't see why it is a big deal for him. i have certainly let my friends do the same thing, and i wasn't planning on marrying any of them. lol. ask his best friend if you can crash on his couch - i'm sure he'd say yes.

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I can't help but think he is hiding something. My gut tells me he is cheating on me and that is why he doesn't want me to stay there.


you know - listen to your gut! that's how i feel. i think your gut is always right.

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he told me no. he said he can't commit to that and it is a big deal for him.


What is he committing to? He is having you stay there for a week, that's hardly moving in together!


I am sure you have spent the night over at one anothers places, or travelled before together?


Even if there is nothing untoward going on, this is a bit of an odd response and for me a definite red flag about his actual commitment to you, or how he will be there to help out in the future.

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