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Trying to get the second date...


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So I took this girl out last wednesday. Things went really well. There were no awkward silences, we conversed well, and no calamities. I also notice that she made a pretty good amount of eye contact and didn't take any calls while were were out eating. Those are usually good signs that she's interested. We just went to dinner... nothing too crazy. As I was taking her home, she offered me a piece of gum. That made me think she might wanna give me a kiss. However, when we pulled up, a couple of her friends and some fam were sitting outside. Her reaction when she saw them made it seem as though it was a genuine surprise. So I let it go. Told her I could contact her soon and she said ok. She even looked back and waived at me.


So I text her today and now I'm not getting a response. It's been 3 hours. I hope she's not just letting it dwindle out. Am I overreacting? :splat:

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she could be busy, not have her phone on her, she could be watching a movie, etc.... i'd give it a few days.


Advice on how long I should wait before I contact her? There is a good chance she's at work right now but when I text her last time she responded pretty timely... I guess that's why I'm kinda worried. It seems that girls make time for what they really want...

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Hmmm. Women are usually pretty clever and restless when it comes to guys they like contacting them. If you told her you'll contact her soon and she was really interested and dying to hear from you she would make sure her phone is around. Or at least make an effort to check her phone every couple of hours or so. If she doesn't reply by tomorrow I wouldn't count on much. But there is a possibility that she may be taking a nap or maybe even involved in a family function where she might have left the phone behind. Just wait it out till tonight and if no repsonse I wouldn't count on her contacting you.

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I made sure that I said I'll contact you soon. I didn't say a particular date... I guess I'll wait it out today. If I don't hear anything, I'll try a call tomorrow. If that doesn't happen, I'll let it go.


Any other comments suggestions? I'm incredibly interested in this girl... I'd hate to see this fizzle out already.

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oh, having just been stood up for a second date myself last night (he asked me out!!!!) all i can say is don't get your hopes up about a person you don't know so well. it's tempting to be like, 'they are so perfect, i really want to see them again!" but you really don't know them from a hole in the wall, and just because they asked you out on a second date is no gaurantee they will actually show up!

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Yeah I have another suggestion for you. If you really like her don't try to be too pushy or aggressive in contacting her in the beginning. Some women don't like that so just wait it out. If she doesn't reply to your text today I'd even not contact her until maybe tomorrow night or even monday. You don't want to come off as too needy or desparate by trying to initiate contact everyday. By the way, what kind of text did you send? Was it a closed text or a text message requiring an answer. For example if you sent something like: "I had a great time with you last night" its a closed text not requiring an answer so she may just smile at it and wait for you to call her. However if you sent something in the form of a question and she didn't answer then one of two things: she didnt get it or she's not interested. But like I said, dont call her first thing tomorrow, wait at least towards the end of the day.

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I'd say to give her a few days...too pushy can be a turn off.


The reason why I was hitting her up with a little rush was because she lives in 45 minutes away in another city. So since I was going to be in town Sunday through Monday, I was trying to see her. I mean damn, my bday is Monday. Time with her would be a great present.

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Ahhh, I see, so that is a definate text requiring some answer. So for sure one of two things is going on: a) she didn't see the text or b) she's not interested. Like I said I would wait till tomorrow morning and if you wake up tomorrow and still no returned text then I would call on sunday night or monday afternoon and ask if she'd want to go out for a second date.


By the way , here is something for you to think about: I've had this happen to me on quite a few occasions where I would send a text message and someone wouldn't get it until hours later or even the next day. Similarly, I've had a friend send me a text message on friday afternoon once and I didn't get it until saturday mid morning. So those things do happen and if she doesn't contact you back I wouldn't rule this out so thats why I would call sunday night, because by then she'd surely gotten it. Good luck with her!

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yes, i agree with CN - sometimes texts can take several hours to come through. i've had that happen with voicemail. i'd ask her out tomorrow or monday. and have a happy birthday! and seriously, don't get too excited about a person you barely know.

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She could be busy or didn't get it. Or more likely she's trying to not seem too interested, waiting a while to text you back.


I'm beginning to think that you're right... its like as soon as I think she's not gonna say anything, I get a text. Patience seems to be a true virtue with her. She never responds promptly... always taking around 30min to 2hrs. I guess everyone treats text messaging differently.

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Waiting sucks, but part of the game...I've had to dial myself back some, she thought I was too needy, and she was right. So we sit and wait! But she did call me back, and now we have plans...worth it.


Damn right. I just asked her if she was free 30 min ago... still waiting on a response. LOL.
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Waiting sucks, but part of the game...I've had to dial myself back some, she thought I was too needy, and she was right. So we sit and wait! But she did call me back, and now we have plans...worth it.


I know dude. Everytime I was ready to hang it up she surprised me. I'll let it go.

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Well not really pissed... just kinda disappointed. Oh well.



Hahaha you remind me of me the last time I had a crush on this guy and would wait desperately for his next text. I felt really bummed because I texted him in the afternoon to see how he was doing. I tried to keep my mind off it until I went to bed. About a minute after I layed down I heard the little "bleep!" It was such a relief.


You're just gonna drive yourself crazy! Try not to worry about it. It sounds like she's interested from your date and if she isn't, there's nothing you can do that will change her mind now. So try to stay cool.

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