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Should you tell them?.

MD Geist

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Should you go about telling a woman or even a guy that you have never dated, never kissed if you have intentions of being in a relationship with them?. Women whats your response in particular?.


We had a great discusion last night and alot of people recomended that if tell that person you really like that you've never dated you'll be suprized with the results. Guy told me he got a yes every time he asked a girl out and told them it 's his first time dating. I don't have to lie.


Iam planning testing the waters once again now that iam out of the whole high school/college scene and women are more mature as they get older you know just to see what happens.

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Should you go about telling a woman or even a guy that you have never dated, never kissed if you have intentions of being in a relationship with them?. Women whats your response in particular?.



Personally.... if a guy I was just getting to know, but hadn't even been on a date with yet told me that he intended to have a relationship with me... I'd feel extremely pressured.


Isn't that kind of jumping the gun? Isn't that what the whole dating period is for?


I imagine some women might feel comforted to know that a man feels secure enough to know what he wants and feel that ready to commit.... but a lot of us women aren't actually that ready to commit ourselves, and we scare easily too, and take time to get to know people.

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If they were inexperienced... if I found them interesting, yeah... I'd still date them. I just wouldn't just jump straight to the "in a relationship" level probably... I'd rather take things slow and let things develop.


I don't see why you'd need to tell someone up front how experienced or inexperienced you are. I'd probably get to know the person a bit first.

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I'm pretty much in the same boat as you Geist and from the limited dating experience I have it has turned out not to be such a hot idea after all. I think this can be a manifestation of what some would call "oneitis" as what you are basically doing is that by stating your intentions to have a relationship with a person you just started to see, you are in fact committing yourself to just that person and are in fact denying yourself the opportunity to see more people. Of course I know all to well that folks like us don't often have the option to see someone else so it can sort of lead to that.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Geist, i know exactly what youre talking about. Up until 2 weeks ago I had never been on a date or even kissed. (you can just throw virgin out there for good measure too) I started to get to know my friends best female friend and while us 3 were hanging out she goes "So whos really not a virgin anymore". I raised my hand and she looked shocked and awed, but interested. I made jokes to my friend later on that Im like a blank paper and she could just customize me to her liking...lol...but maybe something caught on. She eventually told my friend that she could see herself dating someone like me. And now 2 weeks later we've been on like 3 dates and Im not a case of "never been kissed" anymore.


I also see truth in what Rammspieler said about oneitis. I definitely feel this way about this girl probably because I really don't get a chance like this often and she just seems perfect. I know that shes had many boyfriends in the past and alot of booty calls to, but you just gotta keep thinking to yourself..."She's interested in me now and not those other guys...so somethings gotta be there!"

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  • 1 year later...

I have had more success telling them that I'm "Inexperienced" instead of a virgin. I guess that more overwelming for women to just flat out tell them that you are.


Telling them that you are inexperienced it is what it is, she will have to figure it out on her own. It works and its honest. I just feel that it would be a little miss leading to tell her down the line that she is your first partner.


Some will like it at a later age and others won't.

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