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Nighbors girlfriend keeps making sexual advances


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My neighbors accross the ally well they are kinda friends of mine. well the last few nights there my neighbors live in girlfriend keeps making advances to me like for example flashing me her breast or change clothes in my viewing range she also has told me she is going to sneek out the window and come over to my place in the middle of the night. Her boyfriend is abbusive to her she said and also that she only sticks around for her son she has no where else to go to. Well I really like this woman alot and want to have a relationship with her and treat her how she deserves but is it worth having to deal with her over protective abbusive boyfriend? SHe has called the police before on him but refuses to press charges.

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Sounds like she wants to use you for booty calls without resolving her relationship with her boyfriend. That's a copout. She'd be cheating, you'd be cheating and her boyfriend might bash your brains out.


Why not tell her you like her and if she's free and clear you wouldn't mind seeing her. Maybe it would give her the motivation she needs to end her bad relationship.

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I'm failing to see the problem here?


Are you serious?


Anyway, I would really not get involved with the woman unless she breaks up with her boyfriend. But keep in mind that a LOT of people will say their relationship is oh so horrible and their partner is abusive etc etc so it makes them look less bad if they cheat or they think it justifies the cheating.


I'd go with GypsyMuse's advice.

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Put yourself in her husband's shoes for just a minute.

His wife is flirting with a neighbor behind his back. The neighbor is responding to her advances, believing she's been done wrong.


If things are so bad, she'd be anxious and scared, not flashing her boobs. She's loving the attention of an extra guy for a while.

Don't fall for her game.

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She sounds like she's all over the place. Just tell her you're not interested in being the other man. It's really not worth it, no matter how much you like her. Nip this in the bud now before you get attached.

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Normally Id say you tell the girl that if she were single you would be interested... but you dont want to get involved in a crazy boyfriend love triangle.


Keep in mind that if shes willing to stay with a guy for whatever reason, and then cheat on him she will probably make up a reason to cheat on you someday too. If she can justify staying with someone ie using them for her own ends, and then justify cheating on them... thats not showing a lot of class. She might be showing a lot of boob... but thats about it.


Your best bet is to politely tell her you arent interested.

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I kinda screwed up she snuck over tonight and we ended up having sex over here. She wants to leave him but has no where else to go. He has admitted to hitting her a few times. I know when im over there she said he is alot nicer to her. Im working on getting a place her and i and her son can just move to. away from him. I do have feelings for her and she has expressed feelings for me.

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flashing me her breast or change clothes in my viewing range she also has told me she is going to sneek out the window and come over to my place in the middle of the night

What a "classy" act....


What happens when she is flashing her boobs at other guys when she is supposedly with you?

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I kinda screwed up she snuck over tonight and we ended up having sex over here. She wants to leave him but has no where else to go. He has admitted to hitting her a few times. I know when im over there she said he is alot nicer to her. Im working on getting a place her and i and her son can just move to. away from him. I do have feelings for her and she has expressed feelings for me.



I know this falls on deaf ears, but please consider the dynamics of this situation. She cheats, and you're a convenience.


I've played rescuer before.

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