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Ok New to the forums and need advice. Im 15 years old and have been dating my girlfriend for 4 1/2 months..And I feel like I trust her but when ever she starts to get to talking to one of my guy friends and becomes friends I get scared shes going to cheat on me. And before we started dating she hooked up with alot of guys to get over a kid she dated for 2 years which shes over now. But she talks to one of these kids, named steven and hes a creep. Im afraid shes calling him behind my back and planning on hanging out with him or flirting with him. I'm just afraid because I'm a guy so I know how we work on trying to steal girls from other guys at this age. Need help and advice!! please






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I say just trust her and if she does cheat on you move on because you can do better kind of thing. Also I noticed alot higher infidelity in younger relationships. My little brothers mack on alot of chicks your age and stuff and alot of times the girls are in relationships and just don't tell them.

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Well this kid knows I'm her Boyfriend but I told him he calls her Im going to kick his A$$...Because she started talking to him last night and has ever since he keeps calling her. I don't know what to do..its hard to when im not with her all the time.

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Well this kid knows I'm her Boyfriend but I told him he calls her Im going to kick his A$$...Because she started talking to him last night and has ever since he keeps calling her. I don't know what to do..its hard to when im not with her all the time.


True but who wants to be with your g/f all the time. God I get annoyed after I'm with any girl after a while lol... but anyways have you even discussed with her that it makes you uncomfortable talking to this guy on the phone? She may not know and don't forget it takes 2 to tango so him calling doesnt mean she has to pick up

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True and yes I did but she said "Tony its just my friends, I do have guys friends you know" And I just went OK OK. Because she'll say " What do you not trust me" Its not her I don't trust its the guy trying stuff, any guy with the right moves could get a girl to like them if their smooth. But If she really loves me she wouldn't I'm just afraid she is thinking about it.

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Dude, you are 15, you are way way too young to be having to deal with this crap. This chick has enough baggage to qualify for someone twice her age. My vote is that you realize that you just dont trust her, so trust your gut... and just find yourself a new chick.

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