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he plays games but then he says he loves me

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ok, one of my exes has been trying to get back with me and i'm so confused. he does and say really nice things for me. and when we go out he always makes sure to hold my hand and give me lots of attention. well lately he has been hitting on a few of my friends, one friend in paticular who is my best friend. he even went so far as to put his had on her lap when we were all watching a movie. and this was right after he told me how much he loved me.


i acted like it didn't even bother me but he leaned over and told me that having her and me would be like having two of me. and that nothing could ever be more special then that. he also said he would love it if we could all lay down in bed together and that it wouldn't be a kinky thing but he would do all the pleasing.


i'm so freaked out by all of this! the next day he told me he was just trying to make me jealous. i don't know what the hell to think anymore.


i do believe he loves me, but why all the games!

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This guy is full of horse manure. I'd would have not only kicked him off the couch but also to the curb after that routine with your best friend.


You're thinking hearts and flowers and hand holding and romance and he's thinking a threesome sex-fest.


Just lose this guy... he's crass and not thinking only about you, that's for sure.

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This guy is full of horse manure. I'd would have not only kicked him off the couch but also to the curb after that routine with your best friend.


You're thinking hearts and flowers and hand holding and romance and he's thinking a threesome sex-fest.


Just lose this guy... he's crass and not thinking only about you, that's for sure.





and i'd like to add that actions speak louder then words.

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Hey SeaBisquit


He was an ex for a reason and it sounds to me like it would be the best thing in the world if he stayed that way. You don't need someone in your life like this hun - god - what a creep.



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The whole "get someone jealous" routine is very immature. I have to ask, however, you say he is trying to get back together with you...have you not agreed to get back together with him? If you are reticient about getting back together with him and have told him you are not sure, perhaps that is why he is playing all these games. Perhaps he wants to get back together and you have not given him a clear indication one way or the other of how you feel about getting back together.

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you said you acted like it didn't bother you. one thing i have learned because i had been in a situation alot like yours, is that a guy will do as much as you let him get away with. meaning, you didn't stop him. you didn't say anything when he put his head on her lap (i'm assuming) he thinks it's ok because you let him do it.


i think he wants you to say something! he has no respect for you because you have none for yourself. no girl out there would of sat ther and let there boyfriend touch there best friend. and what did your friend do when he was doing this?

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Although he could well be trying to make you jealous, personally I think it was possible that he actually was angling for a three-some, realised that it was a no-no, and quickly back-tracked on what he said, to pacify you. Either way, as Clabs said, this guy is an ex for a good reason. I'd suggest keeping it that way!

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You know, this guy reminds me of someone I dated.... i thought he was great, but then out of the blue he'd pop out with these crass suggestions then backtrack like it was no big deal just like your ex is doing...


once he said something like 'why don't you find another girl and we can all hook up...' and i said... 'whhaaaaaaaat? are you really suggesting we not only have a threesome but you also expect me to go out and find another girl for you?... get outta here!!' He then said, 'well, i want you to get the girl because if i get the girl and you two don't like each other the threesome gets weird...' I was just stunned and when he saw my (negative) reaction he started babbling about wanting to spice things up and blah blah blah, trying to backtrack because he saw i was angry about it.


i later discovered that he was a big cheater with some decidedly 'non-standard' sexual tastes... i should have dumped him when he first suggested i 'get him a girl' (which girl i never did get him of course, so he eventually got a few of his own that he neglected to tell me about until i caught him!).... Your boyfriend is showing a similar routine, so watch out... he's probably trouble, but you may already know that.

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