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pain in lung...i smoke only a little bit

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i've only started smoking for about 2 month. i rather liked it.


but suddenly this morning, walking very fast to school, i realize if i breathe in deeply my lung hurts, especially the left one.


also if i pull my head up, stretch my neck to the right, it feels like my insides are being pulled and its little bit painful.


if i fix my composure such as making my chest wide, and shoulders back stragith, it hurts a tiny bit.


i also slept with the window open...


is this normal for a smoker ?

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Why do you say he has lung cancer thats just wrong.


Your lungs are not used to it, over time the symptoms will go away but not the damage that will possibly LEAD to lung cancer.


Why do you think so many want to quit and cant. You still can, do not fall into the trap.


So what you like it? Its a killer, find something you like that wont kill you like jumping out of an airplane with a parachute. Sure its dangerous but probably most people wont get hurt if you do it right. Thats just an example of many.


trying to scare the kid into what can and probably will happen...sorry just have had too many people close to me die from smoking and i just dont get it why people can stop once the doctors say they are going to die but not when all their friends and family do.

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No one should ever wish cancer on another human being. That's an awful thing to say to anyone, whether true or not. Completely inappropriate on any level.




You're just putting words into his mouth now Kev by saying he's "wishing cancer on another human being". He didn't say that.


I mean, how would you respond if the poster was a 40 year old chain smoker for 10 years and said his left lung is in pain?


You'd probably be more serious and tell him to go to a doctor to take blood samples by now.


There are always misconceptions that youth guarantees no cancer after smoking. The probability of a mutation is merely much lower than adults, but it does happen. Same thing can be said with second hand smoke. They are not exposed to numerous chemical compounds through directly smoking, but just breathing the smoke can cause cancer.

I wouldn't wipe that possibility out of the list.


Go to the doctor.



Read the 2nd bulletpoint.

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im in my early 20s, and yes i am not going to buy anymore smokes...i've learned that smoking is noot worth the trouble associated with it.. i just tried a few packs given by a friend...i liked it because it made me calmer in stressful situations.....but i've read some stories just now about ppl building up heavy phlem in lungs....and i dont think i can live with that. so you are right i will stop this stupid act.



anyway im gonna go check this lung thing out.


thank you everyone.

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im in my early 20s, and yes i am not going to buy anymore smokes...i've learned that smoking is noot worth the trouble associated with it.. i just tried a few packs given by a friend...i liked it because it made me calmer in stressful situations.....but i've read some stories just now about ppl building up heavy phlem in lungs....and i dont think i can live with that. so you are right i will stop this stupid act.



anyway im gonna go check this lung thing out.


thank you everyone.


You're lucky to have enough symptoms to actually go check out what smoking does to you aside from cancer. I agree, it's the "build up" part that people have to watch out for.

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You're just putting words into his mouth now Kev by saying he's "wishing cancer on another human being". He didn't say that.


I mean, how would you respond if the poster was a 40 year old chain smoker for 10 years and said his left lung is in pain?


You'd probably be more serious and tell him to go to a doctor to take blood samples by now.


Actually Creative, I'm not putting words into his mouth. It's like the saying "Careful what you wish for" You're not actually "wishing" for it.


I'm being perfectly serious. You let me know when you've lost your wife to cancer and spent 2 years by her side everyday through it all and then we'll talk about cancer.



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I'd stop straight away, i started smoking 4 years ago, when all my friends were experimenting with it. I'm nearly 19 now, they've all stopped and i'm the one standing outside clubs with a Marlboro, freezing and smelling like an ashtray.

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i have found that anti-tobacco zealots can be downright mean and angry people.


smoking is a poor choice, but i have seen some of these zealots ready to beat a complete stranger senseless over smoking in an unapproved area, and it was outside for that matter.


there's nothing wrong with not liking smoke and encouraging others not to do it. but anti-tobacco zealots should consider seeking help with their disease and counseling for their anger issues.

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You can't get lung cancer from smoking for 2 months. Cancer usually takes at least 10 years to develop after initial exposure and usually later in life. It takes much longer to really develop. Unless you have genetic predisposition or have been a victim of second hand smoke for ages. However, other lung complications can arise from smoking - emphysema, worsening symptoms of others illnesses (such as cough or lung infection) and pneumonia.


If you have pain it's likely to be a lung infection. Watch out for fever, severe illness, extreme pain and coughing blood. If you suspect that you are really unwell see your doctor and have him take an X-ray to get to the bottom of things.


Seriously, and this goes for anyone who smokes - stop it, cancer IS NOT worth 'looking cool' or 'soothing stress'. There are other healthier ways to deal with those issues (like getting some self esteem for a start, and exercising). Cancer is so not worth something so frivolous. Sermon over

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Chest pain on inspiration can indicate a huge amount of different ailments and an infection is certainly one of them. A small pneumothorax is another one. Asthma, muscular strain, bruised ribs.....all sorts of things. If the OP has ben smoking heavily for the last two weeks that might be a possible cause of pain also.


I wish people on here wouldn't come out with such wildy inappropriate and quite frankly, rediculous, diagnoses when they don't really have a clue. If you don't know the facts and are only basing your opinions/advice on hearsay or random things you have read then don't say it as though it's the gospel truth.

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Since the op has been smoking heavily, for the first time, for 2 weeks, the most likely cause of the pain is the smoking itself, and the lungs not being used to the smoke and chemicals.


Not infection, not muscle strain, and not bruised ribs, unless of course there has been heavy physical labor or something.


I stand by my post.


are you a doctor? have you examined the OP?


it's dangerous to make diagnoses over the internet, the OP needs to get himself checked out by a doctor.

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Since the op has been smoking heavily, for the first time, for 2 weeks, the most likely cause of the pain is the smoking itself, and the lungs not being used to the smoke and chemicals.


Not infection, not muscle strain, and not bruised ribs, unless of course there has been heavy physical labor or something.


I stand by my post.


You do that. It is possible the pain is caused by his smoking (as I've already said)


But you should also acknowledge a few things....

1. The OP hasn't said whether he has been smoking heavily or not. That's just an assumption you've made.

2. You don't know enough to rule out any other possibilities thereforeeee you should acknowledge that there are other things this pain could be as a result of.

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It's amazing no matter what someone comes on here asking advice it turns into an argument or debate. For crying out loud people, noone is a doctor (and even if you were you can't diagnose someone over the internet). The only thing you can really tell this guy is that he needs to get to a doctor.

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