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UPDATE: what she told me today


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she called me while i was at work and pretty much told me that its not going to happen.


"the first month we broke up, we still hung out, i slept over, we kissed all the time, ect. we were kinda still dating. i need my own space, i need me-time w/o a bf, i hope one day we will meet again and be together but right now i need space away from you."


things went on and on from there about of her reasoning. total but its what she said.


do you guys really think if i go total NC from her. (which i am. i deleted her #, her sn, her facebook, ect.) u think she will try and contact me? like try and come back?


im doing a little better now, i just hate how it ended. i really wanted to be with her and she led me on and made me feel so high only to fall a million feet. i dont understand how she could do that. hopefully i find someone better. its just hard to listen to the radio and relate her to the songs, see things that remind me of her, so and so on so its hard to rid her out of my mind you know?


you think shes gonna miss me? : /

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She might indeed miss you when you are gone but not in a healthy way. This woman is really poison and because she seems to get enjoyment playing mind games with you, I wouldn't be surprised if she contacts you again when she doesn't have someone else to kick around. Stay strong and don't believe in her...someone who could do what she did clearly has no integrity and you are better off without her.

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Mike, you have to realise and really get this into your heart and head - this woman is only thinking about herself. She doesn't love you because she can't. She can only love herself.


You have said before that she is a good woman - but you now have proof positive that she is not. She's cruel and careless of your well being.


I know it hurts but you are so much better off without her in your life. Had she got back together with you you would only have suffered even more at her hands.


Find someone who knows how to love as well as be loved.

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Mike, you have to realise and really get this into your heart and head - this woman is only thinking about herself. She doesn't love you because she can't. She can only love herself.


You have said before that she is a good woman - but you now have proof positive that she is not. She's cruel and careless of your well being.


I know it hurts but you are so much better off without her in your life. Had she got back together with you you would only have suffered even more at her hands.


Find someone who knows how to love as well as be loved.


i agree. listen to what dn said and really let it sink in. she is incredibly selfish and doesn't love you. first calls you in the middle of the night to say she is thinking about you, then calls you at work to say 'no go.' that's crap. she clearly doesn't care about you or your sleep or your work. very disrespectful.


i'd go nc, delete her from everything and never look back.

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Why would you want her back? Doing NC in this situation is about you. As Dn said..she is poison and not a nice person. YOu need to really think about why you want a perosn like this in your life? What is it that you cannot give yourself? Do you think you derserve to be treated like this? You have some core issues that you need to figure out...that can only be done by keeping people like your ex shut out.


NC will really let you heal..forget about her!

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i really am going nc. but do you all think ill get a phone call saying she misses me or text or email? i know i need to move on and i know i deserve better than her treating me like this. its hard tho guys. i loved this girl. 2 1/2 years down the drain, she was so right for me. i hope one day she will realize how good she had it with me and i hope i find someone i am just as crazy for..

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i really am going nc. but do you all think ill get a phone call saying she misses me or text or email? i know i need to move on and i know i deserve better than her treating me like this. its hard tho guys. i loved this girl. 2 1/2 years down the drain, she was so right for me. i hope one day she will realize how good she had it with me and i hope i find someone i am just as crazy for..


i think you should block her numbers so she doesn't mess with your head anymore.

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i really am going nc. but do you all think ill get a phone call saying she misses me or text or email? i know i need to move on and i know i deserve better than her treating me like this. its hard tho guys. i loved this girl. 2 1/2 years down the drain, she was so right for me. i hope one day she will realize how good she had it with me and i hope i find someone i am just as crazy for..
I would put money on a bet that she will call you or contact you in some way:


"I love you but I can't be with you."


"Missing you - this is so hard"


"I can't sleep"


"Are you OK?"


"Have you found someone else?"


"Can we meet and talk? But don't get your hopes up."


"I'll tell you in June, or October or at Christmas if I will take you back?"


"I am so screwing with Mike's head. LOL. This is fun." (That last one will have been sent to you in error -it should have gone to a friend)

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i miss her so much guys...this is gonna be tuff.


i know. i think we've all been there at some point. it hurts, but you have to stay away from her. and i think dn has a good list, chances are she will contact you and try to mess with your head, but don't let her! it's time to move on. she's had her chance. now i'm sure that there's plenty of single women your age in your area wondering where all the good men are! so please, hurry up, get over this girl, and go meet a good girl.

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Yeah- this girl has been having her cake and eating it too for way too long man. You just need to regain your confidence and self-respect. She was playing you.


Keep repeating in your head- this was not a sincere girl, she was messing with my head, and I'm not going to take this * * * * anymore. I don't deserve empty words, broken promises, and b.s. timelines. I deserve better.


And you can man. Time is your friend right now- AND BY KEEPING CONTACT YOU ARE ONLY HURTING YOURSELF. I don't care what she says, don't buy into it.


She said she loved you a few days ago, now she says its a "no go"? But she "loved you"? I don't think so. JUDGE HER ACTIONS, NOT HER WORDS.

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