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Replacing the special things

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I had a curious thought today..I was wondering about when we replace those special things that you did with your ex's, or if they replace those with someone else..


For ex:

1) Pet names-We all had em for our ex's and I'm sure they had em for us, so do you think your ex uses another pet name, or uses the same one she gave you, with the their new love interest? For me and my ex, we both called each other Goober..It made us laugh every time, and I wonder what nick name she calls the new guy or if she once in a while calls him that by mistake?


2)Hair Combing-When we would take showers together, she would always ask me to comb her hair..I never had a woman ask me to do it before, so it was kind of a strange request, but I found it was real sensual for her..It also helped that no one else liked to do it in her past.


3)Toe painting-Well I lost a bet one time and had to paint her toe nails..I hated it, but took it like a man...Of course the look of gratitude on her face made it worth it. Plus I got a back massage for it.


4)Sex-No not the actual activity, but the insinuation for it..Me and my ex called it nice, nice..And I wonder what she calls it with her new BF...The girl I was seeing briefly liked to call it "Lovin"..Hated that name, and wished it was my ex with our special name for it..


5)Sleeping-My ex snored like a chainsaw..Although at 1st it kept me awake, after years of dealing with it, it became like background music..When we split, I couldn't sleep through the night, because I actually missed it..


What are some of the things you've had to replace or what if its been replaced with your ex?

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This is going to sound really daft but me and my ex got into the habit of making our cat 'talk'. So I'd say something to the cat and he'd put on a silly voice and reply as the cat. I'd do the same when he spoke to the cat.


It's really weird now that the cat doesn't 'talk' anymore, just miaows, haha. If I tried to explain this to a new bf, they would (rightly) think I was absolutely bonkers.

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This is going to sound really daft but me and my ex got into the habit of making our cat 'talk'. So I'd say something to the cat and he'd put on a silly voice and reply as the cat. I'd do the same when he spoke to the cat.


It's really weird now that the cat doesn't 'talk' anymore, just miaows, haha. If I tried to explain this to a new bf, they would (rightly) think I was absolutely bonkers.



LOL I'm sorry but that's just too funny, You just made my day a little bit better!!

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I'm pretty sure she wouldn't use our pet name for her with her new guy...I hope not, anyway. That would really cheapen it. I think for her it would be weird hearing someone else say it. She still uses it refer to herself when she talks to me.


As for sex, she called it "having fun" and she referred to orgasms as "going", not "cumming", which always kind of amused me.


I suspect she uses some of the phrases we used with him, which probably make him scratch his head. And hopefully makes her miss me more.

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My ex and I used to always go to starbucks and then hit the video store - it was our thing - i still go to starbucks & the video store, i just do it by myself.


You know I've found that watching movies helps me keep my mind off of things. I think i've now purchased every "pre-viewed" movie out there. It's so quiet around here that I can't sleep without the tv on in the back ground.


My ex and I used to always cuddle up and watch the food network every night... If I so much as hear the opening theme to "good eats" the plumbing starts to leak so to speak lol.

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since my break-up with my ex a few weeks ago, i've watched 6 movies... skid, you're right...it is actually helping me cope with losing him...even though it was our thing. and i could never give up my starbucks (not for anyone!)


I hear that... Sometimes it's the little things in life that keep you afloat.


A funny side note: I have this cat named princess and she's taken it upon herself to sleep on my ex's side of the bed. She sleeps there all night right beside me. For some strange reason I find comfort in that. LOL

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I hear that... Sometimes it's the little things in life that keep you afloat.


A funny side note: I have this cat named princess and she's taken it upon herself to sleep on my ex's side of the bed. She sleeps there all night right beside me. For some strange reason I find comfort in that. LOL


Skids, isn't that awesome...it's amazing how comforting pets can be (it's like she knows...)

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For me? It's easy...I call them "do-overs", especially when talking about bad times that should have been good. I just do those same things with a new love and usually then it wipes clean the memories of the old one, at least the "longing for" memories...

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Off the top of my head:


Concerts: We went a few amazing shows and we actually "hooked up"for the first time at an Incubus concert last summer...was beautiful. We didnt have enough money to see 311 but there was alittle park outside the venue and we could hear everything perfectly from the outside. We actually fell asleep on each other and we woke up to Cops kicking us out of the park, lol great times. We went to Wisconsin to see Rage Against The Machine play Alpine Valley which we both were waiting to see them for years. There's more shows but those 3 were the most memorable.


Food: She got me hooked on Chipotle so we would go there frequently together.


Sex: I cant begin to describe how special it was together. She was only the 2nd girl ive ever slept with but it was amazing...very intimate, very special, and it just felt meaningful.


Massages: one of Her favorite things was for me to give her full body massages. I loved doing it...I would massage her until she fell asleep and then I would fall asleep right next to her.


Going to movies: She loved going to see movies in the theatres and we had a blast everytime. I havent been to one since our breakup.


Sleeping together: The nights when it was no sex involved, just intimate coudling. We stayed at my summer house in Wisconsin in the boat house for a couple nights last August and everything about that was unforgettable. Amazing cool nights and Ive never seen the moon as bright as it was those couple nights.





I really could keep going on more and more. Man, its threads like this that really make me miss her.

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I have a neighbours cat that comes around and curls up beside me to sleep most mornings - I find it nice to have her there too.


I hate it how he still refers to me by my pet name but also find it comforting - I'd feel mortified if he ever referred to anyone else by it.


We have 'nonsense' words we exclaim out loud to each other which is kind of silly - others would think so anyway if they heard it.


I found that a french film or arthouse dvd-athon on a weekend has great mind-numbing value - as long as the films aren't of the depressing variety.


The saddest part of all this is that I still live with him - not long now though till I save enough up to move out though! Chin up everyone!

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