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Help!! Urgent!!


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I have two days left before I graduate from highschool. I dont want to lose this girl and never see her again. I gotta tell her I like her and find her beautiful lightly for she is very shy and asking her out would make her shut down and remain silent! Shes deathly shy...please I need help on what to do!

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I would not confront her. I would give her a note and leave her with it so she has time to digest it. Take it from there..........do not ask a yes or no question.........keep it long winded and end with open possibilities. Do not force action.....good luck!

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Although I like the more aggressive approach of going up to a girl and asking her for her number... I like the idea of a cute letter to tell her what you feel about her. If she is super shy then she will most likely respond a lot better to a note. On that note I would tell her a place where she can put her reply. I.E. Your locker or tape it underneath a chair somewhere around campus. Give her your number and ask her to text you back when she has placed the letter in the appropriate place.


Good luck with this one. Just keep in mind, most shy people tend to be very clingy once they get close to someone. I have dated a really shy girl before and it went way slower than I would have liked and in the end when I broke up with her due to lack of common interests... I BROKE HER HEART. I felt really bad but it was my fault for trying to be with someone so shy when I myself am a very outgoing person.

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I saw this movie...but since there probably isn't a large house party going on graduation night.. just giving her a letter would probably be the best way.

Don't even have to do it in person, just slide it into her locker.

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I like sonk's idea about sending a note to her as well. It's low-key, non-confrontational and it leaves the ball in her court. The only problem is, if she's deathly shy, she may not respond to the note either. It's worth a shot though.

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There is something else you can do... you can show her in some way that you like her. I remember a friend of mine once wrote a girl a poem. You don't have to do that, but maybe there's something that's equivalent. If you do something like that for someone, it's more likely to invoke a response. My friend was a very shy girl and when a boy wrote a poem for her, they ended up in a relationship together.

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I think a direct and simple face-to-face approach is the best in this situation. Take the first opportunity you can get and talk to her, just be honest and say, "I don't want to lose contact with you after school's over. Take my number and call me sometime The mushy "I've had a crush on you for years" poem or note might sound sweet and all, but in my experiences, it doesn't work.


Have you talked to this girl before? Is she a friend or acquaintance or have you guys never directly met?

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