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We're getting back together, but please help me be strong!

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Ok his will probably be a very silly silly question since I know what most of you are going to say. I just need to hear it from you and tell me thats a bad idea and why. I need to hear it from you, Ill read your replies to not be tempted when he insists we should go.


Me and my bf are slowly getting back together after a one-month breakup. He came back, (we split up after he freaked out with work and being in a relaitonship at the same time).These problems are solved (no more stress) and he apologized, and we now understand exactly where it went wrong - and we never stopped loving each other. Ive had him at my feet for more than 2 weeks being just 'friends' and we kissed yesterday.




So now the tiny little question. There is this big gig on saturday. I really want to go but he's the only one I know who's going/available and he'll go with friends. There will be drugs involved BUT I do not use anymore although I do have very good memories, even excellent ones with him involving going out/drugs, I will not touch it anymore simply because DRUGS ARE BAD. Also, no he's not a junkie, he uses drugs like once every 2-3 months (yes i know its still not ideal). I really want to go to that particular night, and it would be fun to do for a dance with him like we used to. But he will be under the influence thereforeeee all over me which kind of tempts me in a bad way. Bad bad bad.






I know what you'll say and I agree. But sometimes temptation takes over and I dont think Ill resist. And also, we have only just started seeing each other again and things are looking so good so precipitating stuff and be in a situation where he's not being himself would be bad. I KNOW THAT and all I need from you guys is to tell me I should not go! And find other reasons.



Thank you!!!

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I am guessing you are talking about e. And yes that might make him all over you. And if things are still reforming it's most likely best to sit this one out. He can feel all blissed out and loving from a distance. It will work out better in the long run. Maybe you can go out somewhere else and dance with other friends.

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GO, but go alone. It is very likely that you will take drugs as you have pleasant memories and you actually know exactly the situation it will get you into. However, before you get back with him.........take it slowly. Do not set yourself up for hurt!! He is not the only guy available on saturday! There are a couple of billion men in the world and a couple of men in your city! Just throwing stats at you...

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