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background check before job offer - how close to getting the job?

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I interviewed twice recently for a position at a good company. They said they would now conduct a background check on me and, in the meantime, interview a few more candidates (since they got lots of applications).


Given that I seem to be ahead of the pack, do you think I'll get the job once the check comes back clean?


Despite my limited experience, someone I know recommended me for the position, and he is very close to the interviewers and everyone else there. I guess networking has had something to do with it. They also seemed very impressed with my academic achievements.


I'm aware that companies will not spend the time and money to conduct a background check on someone unless they're very interested in him or her. But even if a company already has their eye on someone in particular, they can't be biased and prefer to have a pool of final candidates.


My would-be boss said she'd be in touch with me.


Do you think things look good or should I not get ahead of myself?

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