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Got A Friend A Job. He Quit Today

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Well I got my friend a job at my work. Worked for a few weeks and today call in and quit on the stop. No notice or anything. Now I am scared to go in to work tomorrow. Even worse I was going to ask my manager if my cousin could get a job there, now I'm scared.

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That really sucks. Sorry to hear your friend firstly bailed on you on the job YOU rec'd him for. And now second how are you going to deal with your friend?


As for your job, keep working there and don't talk about your friend. If anything comes up, just say something that doesn't put the blame on you.


I wouldn't talk to your manager about getting your cousin a job there. I would wait for a while. A long while.

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I wouldn't worry about going in to work tomorrow. Maybe tell your boss that you can't believe he quit and you apologize for recommending him?


However, I can't believe he gave up a job. Does he have any idea how long my friends (who are the same age) have been searching for ANY job around my town?

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Isn't this the second time you helped a friend get a job and it didn't turn out well? I'd try to just not get involved.


I never ever help a person get a job unless i know their work ethic very well and felt that they would do a good enough job to not make me look bad if i recommended them.


Giving a reference (if that is how you helped him, if not, i am not sure how you got him the job anyway. all one can do is give a reference unless you actually do the hiring) should be taken a bit more seriously. Don't give a reference just because someone is a friend. Make sure you know their work history and work ethic. If you don't, then the reference is useless to the person hiring them.

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Isn't this the second time you helped a friend get a job and it didn't turn out well? I'd try to just not get involved.


I never ever help a person get a job unless i know their work ethic very well and felt that they would do a good enough job to not make me look bad if i recommended them.


Giving a reference (if that is how you helped him, if not, i am not sure how you got him the job anyway. all one can do is give a reference unless you actually do the hiring) should be taken a bit more seriously. Don't give a reference just because someone is a friend. Make sure you know their work history and work ethic. If you don't, then the reference is useless to the person hiring them.


yes, i agree. next time, don't refer them unless you really think they are dependable and won't just up and leave like this. well, you really can't get into trouble for your friend quitting, but i wouldn't recommend anyone anymore.

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That's really awful. I don't think it'd be a good idea to ask if your cousin can work there. At least not right now.


Since he quit on the spot, it reflects badly on your ability to choose people who'll be loyal to the company.


Since there is at-will employment now-a-days, companies don't have to be loyal to their employees, and employees don't have to be loyal to their companies.


It's a two way street.


But it's sad because your friend didn't notify you first.


Don't be afraid to go to work tomorrow though, it's not your fault. If your boss asks about it, just say that you were in the dark as well, and that you're really sorry about it. And leave it at that.

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yes, i agree. next time, don't refer them unless you really think they are dependable and won't just up and leave like this. well, you really can't get into trouble for your friend quitting, but i wouldn't recommend anyone anymore.


Right, he can't get into trouble, but it's just good practice not to put your so called stamp of approval on someone just because they are friend or family. If they don't have a good work record or ethic don't refer them.

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That really sucks. Sorry to hear your friend firstly bailed on you on the job YOU rec'd him for. And now second how are you going to deal with your friend?


As for your job, keep working there and don't talk about your friend. If anything comes up, just say something that doesn't put the blame on you.


I wouldn't talk to your manager about getting your cousin a job there. I would wait for a while. A long while.


I found out why he quit. He found the job borning and used school as an excuse and he quit. Even worse he didnt give a notice at all.


I'm not going to mention his name at all. All the guys there liked him and didn't expect him to quit. I'm gonna see what mood my manager is in and see if she is not in a good one then I will keep quiet. I am also going to tell her I am sorry and that I didn't expect anything like that, nor did I know he was going to quit that soon.


Sucks but this is the risk you take for giving someone a good word in at your job. I learned that quickly, don't offer family or friends jobs where you work.


I learned this right after I got this friend that job. Right after he blew off his first real shift.


Maybe tell your boss that you can't believe he quit and you apologize for recommending him?


However, I can't believe he gave up a job. Does he have any idea how long my friends (who are the same age) have been searching for ANY job around my town?


I am going to appologize for his action and that they were uncalled for and how I did not expect him to do something like that; as well as, it came as a surprise to me when I herd it (which is the truth).


Personally, I can't believe he did something like that. He worked for a year and a half at McDonalds, so I didn't expect him to quit this soon. I have had my fair share of quitting jobs, usually it was around a month after working, but thats cause the job was not working out for me.


I know how long the job search takes. It took me so long to land this job, and I don't want to give it up that easy. When your sitting at home looking for a job every day its hard to find one, when you have a job but are looking for another job you can find them so easy. I even had the mind set that since I am a teenager and have my grade 12 diploma I can land a job easy, but it doesn't work like that.


Isn't this the second time you helped a friend get a job and it didn't turn out well? I'd try to just not get involved.


I never ever help a person get a job unless i know their work ethic very well and felt that they would do a good enough job to not make me look bad if i recommended them.


Giving a reference (if that is how you helped him, if not, i am not sure how you got him the job anyway. all one can do is give a reference unless you actually do the hiring) should be taken a bit more seriously. Don't give a reference just because someone is a friend. Make sure you know their work history and work ethic. If you don't, then the reference is useless to the person hiring them.


This is the same friend as posted in my other thread. You are right, don't get involved. I really agree with you, that you should never recommend someone unless you know their work ethic and that they will make you look good, not bad.


It was like a reference that I gave for him. My manager asked if we know ppl that are looking for jobs, and I said I did and she asked a few questions about him and I answered them truthfully. He came in and filled out an application and hired him on the spot.


That's really awful. I don't think it'd be a good idea to ask if your cousin can work there. At least not right now.


Since he quit on the spot, it reflects badly on your ability to choose people who'll be loyal to the company.


Since there is at-will employment now-a-days, companies don't have to be loyal to their employees, and employees don't have to be loyal to their companies.


It's a two way street.


But it's sad because your friend didn't notify you first.


Don't be afraid to go to work tomorrow though, it's not your fault. If your boss asks about it, just say that you were in the dark as well, and that you're really sorry about it. And leave it at that.


It reflects a whole lot on me. Eventhough I am a good worker and everything, but still.


Its very sad that he didn't say to me "Listen GLegend, thanks for the job and everything but I don't think its working out for me so I am going to quit."


I know its not my fault, and that they was nothing that I could do about it. I was in the dark, its the truth, and yeah I am goin g to appologize for his actions.


A 17 year old just quit a retail job ? no one is going to blink an eyelid.



He had just turned 19.

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