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i've been reading posts for a while, now i figured it would be my turn.


Me and my ex were long distance. we talked for like 3 to 4 months. we hit it off incredibly. getting to know someone before physically meeting them is incredible. you appreciate that person for who they are, not what they look like.


lol, anyway, the last couple weeks we were going out, things went bad. I started fighting w/ the people i let into my life. i was feeling miserable. I was dealing w/ a lot of things in my life, and was feeling that the people i let into my life were drifting from me. stupid of me, i know. i worked on it now. bc of how i was feeling, we started fighting, which made me have more of a false certanty that she did stop caring about me. so finally, one day, she just broke up with me.


I took it bad, and lately i've been on an emotional rollercoaster. On the bright side, i've learned so much about myself, things i never would have seen if i wasn't in this situation. I have grown so much as of late going through this rough patch.


at first, she said she still wants to be my friend. but she was rarely talking to me. she said its bc she just turned her phone off, bc of too many things going on in her life. so i was confused, and was pushing for some kind of closure, anything. and in a way i can't blame myself. i at least deserve that. so yesterday, she never called back, so i'm going NC.


A little nervous on whether or not she will discuss this.


all i know is that i'm a great guy. i know the fighting was hurting her, and in my defense, i was dealing w/ a lot of life at the moment. and there was a lack of communication on her part. Either way, we were great. I need to show her the fighting can stop, and it was just a phase i was going through. but she thinks otherwise.


sorry about the rambling, lol i promised my self i wouldn't write too much... i lied


I just want to hear some advice: are women able to give men they love a second chance, if going NC is the best way, mainly want to figure out what she's thinking. even though she's the only one who truly knows.


I know it may be dumb to want to get back together with her. but when you have something so amazing, you don't want to let it walk away. but as for now, i'm feeling suprisingly strong. well see how long it lasts. lol

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I believe everyone can possibly give love a second chance. Problem is when one party has lost hope it'll be hard to put the pieces back together.


I don't think your ex will come back to you. The reason for the break up is clear, and she might be thinking that if you two get back together this might happen again so it's a lost cause on both ends.

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I believe everyone can possibly give love a second chance. Problem is when one party has lost hope it'll be hard to put the pieces back together.


I don't think your ex will come back to you. The reason for the break up is clear, and she might be thinking that if you two get back together this might happen again so it's a lost cause on both ends.


yea, i fully understand. right now, i'm stepping outside and trying to see the bigger picture. but if you say love allows second chances, shouldn't i be able to show her i've changed? and that should bring the hope back. but like i said, that's an 'if'

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I would say why not. Sometimes it's difficult to live life regretting if you did this or that. So, if it calms yourself and gives you some closure, it might not be a bad idea to talk to her one on one, open your heart to her, and let her know that you have changed and you will work on the relationship.


But of course be prepared for the worst, meaning she does not trust your words. If that's the case then move on and bring your learned experiences to your next relationship. Good luck!

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yea, i try not to regret, or dwell on things. just trying to make it better. but i still need to know what she is feeling. and i don't know whether or not to give her space. i'm honestly just trying to give her what she wants. and i KNOW she would want to go back to the way things used to be. but need to know what to do. lol

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