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Once again rejection! Will it stop?


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You made a mistake, skyblue.


You should NEVER tell a man if he wants sex he's wasting his time. It sounds...well, like you are assuming men only want you for a bed buddy.


You should say, "No, thank you." And then walk away. Wait until a man asks you to a respectable event. NEVER, ever let a man hear you say a thing about sex at all. You won't get anywhere with a man if you say things like this.


I don't think she made a mistake at all. If you notice, she DID say "no thanks" the FIRST time he asked her back to his place. He kept on asking so she called him on the sex thing the second time he asked. That's when he pulled his "oh, you're a challenge then" comment.


I agree that it would be a mistake to assume EVERY guy wants sex right away and to call them on it. But the way I see it, she was polite until he kept on getting stronger. I'd NEVER ask a woman I just met back to my place, nor would I want to go to her place right away. Not until we knew each other a bit better. We all have to realize that there ARE some weirdos out there (both men and women) and I for one don't want a potential psycho to know where I live.


Skyblue... I still think you did the right thing. Just don't let scumbags like this turn you off to all men... there are still some good ones out there.

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It is true that most guys and women want sex--at some point. So I think Miss. Firecracker makes a really good point that there's no reason to bring it up in a negative way right away. If a guy asks you back to his place again, do like Annie says, say how about lunch/dinner instead? If he says yes, go, and if he invites you back to his place, say "maybe some other time" and that you have to get home (unless all you want is to hook up) and then see what happens. If he asks you out again, there is probably some interest beyond just wanting to hook up with you.


We were meant to go out for dinner yesterday buy i didn't hear from him. I am the one that mostly starts off the texting so i thought i'd not text him this time and see if he is willing to contact me - when he aksed me to go round his for BBQ i said would be nice to see you alone - i have seen him with friends twice.

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But when does meeting scum ever stop?


Never, but the real question is, when does meeting decent people start?


if the answer to these were that easy, you think this site would exist? you think there would be so many dating books? it would all be figured out. you just have to keep looking.


but the attitude of when does it stop or when does it end is going to get you nowhere and leave you even that much more lonely.

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