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Once again rejection! Will it stop?


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I feel like i'm going round and round and round the same corner when it comes to meet men.


Will give you a quick load down - met this guy a week ago he came up to me spoke to me exchanged numbers then the following night he met with me and my friends with his friends at a bar. For the two nights i saw him he kept on asking me back to his place so i said no thanks. 2nd night he asked again so i said if you want sex i think your wasting your time. So he calls me at the end of the night to see if i got home ok, then he said let him know when i'm free so i texted him 3 days later telling when - he agreed now when the day came he said he couldn't be bothered to do much as he can't drive his car because he has had 3 beers - then he said why don't i come round his place beause him and his friends are having a BBQ - i responded i'll give it a miss -so we arranged to meet another day which is meant to be today - i haven't heard from him so seems to me he only wanted one thing.


Getting so fed up of this I don't feel i can handle being let down anymore. Starting to really feel sorry for myself - nothing seems to go my way even though i play it cool.


WHat do you think?

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Well you should look at it as having weeded out one unsuitable person from the list of potential boyfriends.Be proud that you took a stand and wasn't used.


Thanks for that - i really thought he would have taken me out on a date - as his the one that said yeah maybe we can do dinner or something?

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That sucks, but I applaud you for sticking to your guns and not having sex with him. Sounds like he's a loser, and that's not your fault. Don't think of it as rejection... think of it as you recognizing a scumbag before you became another notch on his bedpost.


I'd also suggest not meeting guys in bars. Typically they're just meat-markets for guys who... guess what?... only want one thing.


Also... off-topic, but why do people always text each other? It's so impersonal.

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That sucks, but I applaud you for sticking to your guns and not having sex with him. Sounds like he's a loser, and that's not your fault. Don't think of it as rejection... think of it as you recognizing a scumbag before you became another notch on his bedpost.


I'd also suggest not meeting guys in bars. Typically they're just meat-markets for guys who... guess what?... only want one thing.


Also... off-topic, but why do people always text each other? It's so impersonal.


haha well if i had it my way i will call -Seems to me guys prefer texting - WHy arrange to meet me for a meal? DOn't understand - yes your right bar in bars are after one thing most of the time.

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haha well if i had it my way i will call -Seems to me guys prefer texting - WHy arrange to meet me for a meal? DOn't understand - yes your right bar in bars are after one thing most of the time.


Why arrange for a meal? He may have still been on the prowl for an easy lay. And once the pursuit went beyond a couple days and you turning down his BBQ, maybe he just thought it wasn't worth it anymore.


If he gives up that easily, he wasn't quality in the first place. Good riddance, I say.

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Why arrange for a meal? He may have still been on the prowl for an easy lay. And once the pursuit went beyond a couple days and you turning down his BBQ, maybe he just thought it wasn't worth it anymore.


If he gives up that easily, he wasn't quality in the first place. Good riddance, I say.


So you don't think he was interested in anything but sex? I'll tell you another thing he said the first night i met him and he asked me back to his - i said no of course then he had a cheek to say oh everytime i ask a girl back she usually comes back with me - see your a challenge then. He isn't a very nice person is he?

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So you don't think he was interested in anything but sex? I'll tell you another thing he said the first night i met him and he asked me back to his - i said no of course then he had a cheek to say oh everytime i ask a girl back she usually comes back with me - see your a challenge then. He isn't a very nice person is he?


Wow if a guy said that to me I'd try to make him cry.

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Yeah, he's a scumbag. What a terrible thing to say! Delete his number and don't worry about your prospects. You'll meet someone special soon. If I may be so bold, if your personality is half as nice as your profile pic, you'll find someone.

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Yeah, he's a scumbag. What a terrible thing to say! Delete his number and don't worry about your prospects. You'll meet someone special soon. If I may be so bold, if your personality is half as nice as your profile pic, you'll find someone.


hahah awww thank you Will delete his number right NOW - another piece of rubbish down the drain

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thought he liked me but not the way i wanted him to.


This guy definitely didn't want the same things you did, and kudos to you for moving on! But I can relate to your feelings of meeting someone and liking him, and him not reciprocating in the same fashion... if only the guys we liked could feel the same way we do! Oh well, just another fish to throw back out to sea... you'll find a bigger and better one

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Well you should look at it as having weeded out one unsuitable person from the list of potential boyfriends.Be proud that you took a stand and wasn't used.


i agree - you weeded this guy out early, you should be happy and proud! good girl!

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You made a mistake, skyblue.


You should NEVER tell a man if he wants sex he's wasting his time. It sounds...well, like you are assuming men only want you for a bed buddy.


You should say, "No, thank you." And then walk away. Wait until a man asks you to a respectable event. NEVER, ever let a man hear you say a thing about sex at all. You won't get anywhere with a man if you say things like this.



that is a very good point! better to say, 'no thanks' if he is inviting you over to his place, and counter with a date that would have you two be in public - like getting lunch.

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You made a mistake, skyblue.


You should NEVER tell a man if he wants sex he's wasting his time. It sounds...well, like you are assuming men only want you for a bed buddy.


You should say, "No, thank you." And then walk away. Wait until a man asks you to a respectable event. NEVER, ever let a man hear you say a thing about sex at all. You won't get anywhere with a man if you say things like this.


Thanks for that

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It is true that most guys and women want sex--at some point. So I think Miss. Firecracker makes a really good point that there's no reason to bring it up in a negative way right away. If a guy asks you back to his place again, do like Annie says, say how about lunch/dinner instead? If he says yes, go, and if he invites you back to his place, say "maybe some other time" and that you have to get home (unless all you want is to hook up) and then see what happens. If he asks you out again, there is probably some interest beyond just wanting to hook up with you.

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Some guys are like that. Laugh at them and don't take it personal. NEXT, as they say. I don't think that there is anything wrong with what she did. I have said the same thing to some men b/c they obviously needed to hear it judging from the direction they were trying to lead me.

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