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Thinking those thoughts are normal! I've been through the same exact stage. But once you get back into the dating scene and guys are falling all over for you, you don't get that feeling anymore. Chin up! You will find love again, and this time with someone you really deserves you. You won't be alone. You're never alone.

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It's quite natural-but please don't look for a new man to validate those feelings. You have to take time for yourself, relationships change a person for the better and for the worst so take the time to reexamine yourself as a single woman and enhance the good and ditch the bad. COntinue thinking of what he done to make you hurt and why you are not together that should be the closure and over time you will become numb to him


Good Luck and know it gets greater later

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Thanks guys, Im def. not ready to even consider dating again, i just love being in love, and right now i want him to love me, i keep playing wishful daydreams, that he comes begging me back.


i will be ok one day, i just wish it would hurry up.

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Yeah, I get those day dreams too. Wanting him to come back on his knees with flowers and telling me he has lost the love of his life.


Yeah right! Rarely are things like Hollywood.


Also, someone new will come to you. So take things as they are, they will come sooner or later!

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