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I think the Girl who went on vacation is back but I'm not 100% sure so...


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Want to talk more about the "finding more women" comment. I think that's a great idea. Date several women instead of going from one to the next one. It will do good things for you in many ways. Overall, I think you are doing very well considering the issues you came here with months ago. Keep the positive attitude and keep moving, ditch the negatives. You are close to the realization that half or more of dating is conquering your own mind. Cliche' but true.

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Want to talk more about the "finding more women" comment. I think that's a great idea. Date several women instead of going from one to the next one. It will do good things for you in many ways. Overall, I think you are doing very well considering the issues you came here with months ago. Keep the positive attitude and keep moving, ditch the negatives. You are close to the realization that half or more of dating is conquering your own mind. Cliche' but true.



I wish it was that easy, Even if it was 2 girls I was date at the same time I wouldn't have to be so focused on why one hasn't contacted me yet. I feel like leaving work today and just approaching a female in public and saying-"what the hell I have nothing to lose"-lol

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I would give her time to get settled and give her a bit of chance to get in touch with you. If nothing happens, call her up in a day or two and ask her out. I agree with ghost, stop reading so much into how she phrased her e-mail! She may or may not "like" you in a romantic sense, she's probably not even sure yet herself.


PS. Crazyaboutdogs, I would imagine AC= Atlantic City.

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I would give her time to get settled and give her a bit of chance to get in touch with you. If nothing happens, call her up in a day or two and ask her out. I agree with ghost, stop reading so much into how she phrased her e-mail! She may or may not "like" you in a romantic sense, she's probably not even sure yet herself.


PS. Crazyaboutdogs, I would imagine AC= Atlantic City.


Yeah thats' what I figured I would do, just lay low for a couple of days. And I wasn't analyzing the email, ghost she wanted to know what she said in her reply

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I feel like leaving work today and just approaching a female in public and saying-"what the hell I have nothing to lose"-lol


My friend, in this statement of yours, you are walking through the gates of wisdom and don't even realize it.


"What the hell I have nothing to lose"


Perfect. But though you say it, and know it in your mind, you don't really feel it yet, because once you really feel it, applying it is like drinking water and effortless... you are getting there though. Congratulations, you have come a long way.

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just call her. You don't need a reason to be friendly, do you? I have called many a guy in my life, and I'm still in one piece! Girls love confidence like that. Like my bf says about relationships, "Don't think, DO!" That's why he fell for me, I don't play games and act insecure and coy. If you want her, go and get her!

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just call her. You don't need a reason to be friendly, do you? I have called many a guy in my life, and I'm still in one piece! Girls love confidence like that. Like my bf says about relationships, "Don't think, DO!" That's why he fell for me, I don't play games and act insecure and coy. If you want her, go and get her!



Yep, that's my philosophy as well. I also am one for the direct approach and don't subscribe to the waiting games. I am still in one piece!

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well I'm going to call tonight and see what happens. try to suggest a plan for one day this weekend and if not then I will then know my answer


Well, I wouldn't worry if she can't make it this weekend...that doesn't mean she is not interested...since it is now Thursday it is possible her weekend is already booked up. So just see if she would get together another day.

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Good luck. How many dates have you been on with her? Any ideas for the next one?



We went on 2 dates within 3 days before she went on vacation on the 9th of May. I haven't thought of a date idea for the 3rd date. I do want it to be a good since the 2nd was NOT GOOD

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