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On making love, what I miss.


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Not a sad thread..was watching a movie and made me think....

About how the "dance" starts, hours before. The eye contact, subtle communication beforehand. She knows and you know. Out to dinner, she is radiating, you are basking in it. Perhaps a slow dance, hips touching, or a Salsa, to bring up the heat. Now your eyes won't unlock....She smells SO good, and she holds you as tho you might get away.

The whole evening goes that way, won't rush home, just enjoy the time spent together.

When you do get home, it's a "quick, pour some wine" moment. Sometimes you make it up the stairs, clothed, sometimes not. Sometimes, the stairs aren't even considered.

And afterwards, laying in each others arms, saying "I love you"s......

The rest of the world can go to ***, you and she are one, again.

The glory of love.

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I definitely see where you're coming from.


Usually what I looked forward to after sex was laying with my sweetheart, telling her how much I loved her etc.


Most of the time she would just fall asleep after though, so the times when we actually got to lay with eachother was special to me.

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hang in there kg. i think it will happen for you again one day. they say that people who have loved that intensely in the past often meet someone new. she won't be the same as kim, but i'm sure she'll be great in other ways. hang in there!


ps - did you go to the wedding? how was it?

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God KG I wish the same thing for myself. I just received my divorce decree today and my now ex husband is getting married to the woman he left me for in 2 weeks. I am 44 and think I am too old to ever find that kind of love again. But for you I hope you find it. You sound like such a great person and deserve a woman you can love the rest of your life! The best of luck to you.

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Not a sad thread..was watching a movie and made me think....

About how the "dance" starts, hours before. The eye contact, subtle communication beforehand. She knows and you know. Out to dinner, she is radiating, you are basking in it. Perhaps a slow dance, hips touching, or a Salsa, to bring up the heat. Now your eyes won't unlock....She smells SO good, and she holds you as tho you might get away.

The whole evening goes that way, won't rush home, just enjoy the time spent together.

When you do get home, it's a "quick, pour some wine" moment. Sometimes you make it up the stairs, clothed, sometimes not. Sometimes, the stairs aren't even considered.

And afterwards, laying in each others arms, saying "I love you"s......

The rest of the world can go to ***, you and she are one, again.

The glory of love.



What a way with words KG. I totally got into your world while reading that! LOL Sorry for invading!!!!!


But you wrote it so vividly! I could see the two of you!

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That's what sex was like for you? And you were MARRIED? I love sex, but I am probably the only woman alive that hates that gushy stuff. I just love "the act" and enjoy myself immensely. I believe romance is what happens outside of the bedroom that makes you long for the next time.


If you like all those things, there will be a woman in your future who will be glad she found you. Trust me, it will happen.

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