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I was on Loestrin 24 for 33 days and I gained 13 POUNDS!! It was awful and now I am with a serious boyfriend and want to get back on some sort of BC. I posted on here yesterday and someone mentioned Mirena. Well I got a pamphlet on it today and I talked to a doctor. He suggested it and I have an Appt tomorrow. Before i make any decisions though I want to know if anyone has used Mirena? Any side effects...particularly weight gain? Did it work effectively against pregnancy? How long until no condom?



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I think you can start having unprotected sex right away but I don't remember for sure.


You shouldn't have weight gain, mood swings, or those other nasty side effects of the pill. There's no guarantee though. Do you know which hormones were in the pills you were previously taking that made you gain weight? The Mirena does contain Progestin, however the doses are much, much lower than with the pill. That is because it is already in your uterus so you only need a tiny amount of the hormone to get the job done (as opposed to the pill, which you must ingest, and the hormones work their way through your body until the finally get to your uterus.)


I didn't gain weight but I did become moody and sometimes cry or feel hopeless for no reason when on the pill. I haven't experienced that, or any other side effects, while having the mirena.


I do experience occasional cramping but it's nothing compared to what I used to get with my period.


I had steady spotting for a while too. I don't remember how long it lasted - maybe 1.5 to 3 months... I forget.


It's the most effective form of birth control on the market, about 10 times as effective as the pill.


Just be sure to have it inserted by an experienced doctor with a good reputation.

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My doctor told me he didn't want to give me Mirena b/c I am not in a long term committed relationship, and casual sex makes me more prone to infections.


I have Implanon, which is good for 3 years and is inserted in the arm. I have no side effects and I've had 1 period since I got it in August. I highly recommend that one.

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There has never been any proof of anyone coming forward with weight gain. If you see the percentage of side affects, they are low and after a year they basically disappear.


It does start working right away I do believe. Although you should wait at least 2-3 months to make sure its really there and your body isn't pushing it out if you want your man to cum inside or something, lol. You have to check when your periods done that its still there by feeling for the string. Mines cut I believe an inch and a half my man doesn't feel it.


Its for people who are in committed relationships and aren't sleeping around. Neither you or your man should have an std.


definitely ask for pain medicine for it! I had a pill and a cream.


I love it.

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anything with hormones can cause weight gain and the amount depends on your body. Mirena is an IUD with hormones, they last up to 5 yrs. Paraguard is a copper IUD and has no hormones and can cause heavy periods. Both run about $500. There are other methods too. Cervical caps, diaphragms, other pills.



Also, did you weigh yourself around the time you had your period? were you retaining water? Did you give in to hormonal cravings and eat more? or was the gain without consuming more food?

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My doctor told me he didn't want to give me Mirena b/c I am not in a long term committed relationship, and casual sex makes me more prone to infections.


I have Implanon, which is good for 3 years and is inserted in the arm. I have no side effects and I've had 1 period since I got it in August. I highly recommend that one.


I thought about that, did some research, you can have a scar with that, it freaked me out. I saw people listing their side effects real scary.


Although you hear horror stories with everything-- each woman is different.


I heard of a woman who lost her sex drive on implanon they took it out kinda wrong and had to go fish for it, lol.

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I use Mirena - and I love it. They had problems placing it, but once it was in it has been great. I was told I was protected right from day one. I am also in a longterm, monogamous relationship - both of us are clean for sti's.


Side effects: Spotting, I spotted for about 2-3 months after placement. I still spot around the time of my would be period (but there is no substantial flow).


Cramps, I never had bad cramps, now during the few days before my would be period I get severe and awful cramps.


Weight gain, None that I can overtly recall. I know I had gained some weight since it was placed, but I have since lost said weight - so I think it can be contributed to other factors.


I love it and it was a fabulous birth control solution for my partner and myself.

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I thought about that, did some research, you can have a scar with that, it freaked me out. I saw people listing their side effects real scary.


Although you hear horror stories with everything-- each woman is different.


I heard of a woman who lost her sex drive on implanon they took it out kinda wrong and had to go fish for it, lol.


The scar doesn't bother me--it's just on the inside of the arm and won't be big. I'd rather have a scar than a child (that's my thought at least! I don't want children) so a scar isn;t a big deal to me.


I haven't lost my sex drive--it's still going strong! No weight gain, no acne (no more than usual, at least, as I have awful skin), no periods (one since august!), all of that.


I love my Implanon.

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