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Scared I might be pregnant...


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...and if I am, I will deal with it. My husband and I weren't planning on a baby this soon, but so be it if we do have one, we'll work it out. Anyways lately I haven't been feeling good...not real sick, but just feeling off. My stomach has been acting up...I'll get a real strong craving for something, like the other night it was Mac and Cheese, but as soon as I started eating it I felt sick. I had to put it away and ended up being famished and finished it later. I did the same thing during lunch yesterday, barely ate half a sandwhich before almost puking it back up. At this point I didn't think much of it because my stomach has always given me issues, nothing unusual. But yesterday I also started peeing alot. Sometimes I was up every hour peeing which is extremely unusual for me...normally I only go maybe 3 times a day. Today I've been starving but every time I try to eat my stomach turns, so I've been sticking to bland stuff. But anyways, my last period lasted a day and a half, started out heavy on a wed night and by noon friday I wasn't wearing a thing...didn't need to. Thats really odd for me too. I"m on the pill but normally I'll start on a Wed and not be fully finished until Sunday sometimes Monday. My back has been KILLING me, the only thing that seems to help is laying flat on my bed. My stomach is extremely bloated and I have been putting some weight on. Also, I've been extremely moody and everything either makes me cry or really pissed. My period isn't due for another two weeks so I have to wait to test...My husband is in the Navy and underway til Friday and when I told him how I was feeling he asked me if he thought I was pregnant. In fact, two of my friends who I told I was feeling sick asked me the same thing. So right now I'm playing the waiting game and figured I'd get some of your opinions.

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It actually sounds more like a stomach/bowel/bladder issue more than a pregnancy issue. If you just had your period 2 wks ago, you wouldn't even be ovulating until about now. Its possible that its ovulation. I would consult a doctor. Those symptoms would be of a pregnancy that is farther along. If you think its possible you are still having a period, but pregnant. I would test tomorrow morning to rule it.

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See if I am pregnant, it would be further along...the last time I had sex was around the time I was ovulating last month...but like I said my period last month was weird.


Periods like to mess with you, have you been taking your pills right? skipping any?

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Periods like to mess with you, have you been taking your pills right? skipping any?


I take my pill at just about the same time every day, between 9 and 10 pm, usually closer to 10. There has only been one or two times that I haven't been able to at that time and had to take it a couple hours later. I've been on it for four years...I have a feeling I may be getting used to the pill, like I may need a stronger one.

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If you last had sex about a month ago (is that right) and the test was negative then you are probably not pregnant. I would wait for this pack of pills to end and then take a test if you don't have a period - I would recommend going to the doc for a blood test but it honestly does not sound to me like you are pregnant.


BTW, you don't ovulate while on the pill if you are taking it correctly, so you have an equal chance of getting pregnant any time of the month.

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That is pretty much my plan...not much else I can do...just wish I didn't have to pee all the time....haha


I dont want to be harsho and it sounds like no way, but whats it called something infection bladder infection. Or stds can take a toll on you too.

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Um if it hurt when I pee, then it would be. But it doesn't and its not. I've had them before and I know what they're like. So yeah, that was really harsh.


SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean like I thought normal bacterial or yeast infections were stds, so my baaaaaad. I don't even know. But could be that, okay well its not itchy, and probably doesn't smell hahaha, so nevermind. If anything it could be a bladder infection or even a cyst.. DOCTOR!


good luck!

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See if I am pregnant, it would be further along...the last time I had sex was around the time I was ovulating last month...but like I said my period last month was weird.


If you are taking your pill correctly you should not be ovulating.

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LOL thats not even possible. You should try mirena though.


If its ortho tri cyclen well your screwd, that pill has to be taken ocdingly at the exact time everyday for it to work right.


They recommend you take your pill at the same time every day, but a little variation is usually OK, as long as it's within a few hours of your regular time.


I was on Ortho Tri Cyclen for 5 years and took my pill anywhere from 1-5 hours different every day and did not get pregnant.

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Um if it hurt when I pee, then it would be. But it doesn't and its not. I've had them before and I know what they're like. So yeah, that was really harsh.


Not everyone has burning or pain on urination when they have a UTI- people can present differently, and each incidence can present differently. If you are having frequency alone it could still be a UTI.


Someone else pointed out that you haven't had sex for a month and you took a test- that is more than enough time for a positive (implantation occurs 7-10 days from conception, and after that if you are pregnant you will typically be getting a positive test.)


If these symptoms continue and you keep having negative tests I would see your doctor.

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Well, i dont think all the pregnancy symptoms will be showing if you've very recently had unprotected sex. I mean, if it's too early for you to take a pregnancy test, then pregnancy symptoms wouldn't be showing just yet. You sound sick though.....when i'm sick my back hurts extremely bad. You'd better head to a doctor.

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