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Online dating sucks


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Ashley: There are no ugly girls. There are just girls I'm not interested in and others will be. Actually I know some guys dating girls that are outwards ugly for me and for them they are cute/beautiful/whatever. And girls I'm sometimes chasing for others are "OMFG man, I would never ever look on someone who probably was hit in her face half of her childhood." The same goes for men, have you never rated 8 or 9 a guy who for other girl was 3-4? >.>

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I tried online dating but all I got were older men asking if I could meet them in a hotel sometime. I think they were mostly interested because I am a twenty-one year old virgin. I didn't say virgin, but I put never been in a relationship on my profile so I am pretty they understood that. Actually one guy told me he would break me in. I stopped going to that site. Then there are other guys around my own age who weren't interested in because I don't have a picture.

Then I decided since I am ugly and didn't want to put my picture up anyway no guy would be interested and gave up on online dating.


I don't think your ugly cause if there are men who want you there has to be something thats attractive about you in some way. Those guys where stupid, you deserve someone who will respect you for you.


I would be interested in someone like you because I have also never been in a relationship and a virgin and I think it would be great for two people to experience something new together.


The only thing I can say about the photo thing is it kind of does set you back in online dating though, I can remember the days when I had no photos of myself online now iv'e got em all over the place. Its pretty easy to get a photo of yourself on the net you should check it out and give it another shot atleast before you give up completetly.

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@ MD Geist:

I only think that because people tell me I am.

However, over the weekend I did meet someone who seemed interested so who knows. It didn't go any further then making plans. We aren't seeing each other this weekend but next weekend we are. And he invited me to this huge boat party. So I am going to see what happens from there. He is the first guy who has ever been interested in me.


I have pictures on the computer now from the camping trip. But I still feel nervous about posting them and letting people know what I look like. Maybe in the future I will try online dating again but I don't know. It's kind of a turn off when men want just sex. And it's stupid too because they know nothing about these women they want to meet in hotels... what if they are diseased? That's another thing I am worried about with it, I know nothing about the guy and he could have.

Attractive doesn't matter to me. If he takes care of himself, has good hygiene and works then I am happy.



@Luc Fec

I wish more guys were like you then. Or people really. Girls and guys have both told me that I am ugly. But you are right, there was a guy in High School I thought was the hottest and another girl said she didn't think he was. But I've never known a guy to like me.

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