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Need some advice please!


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My boyfriend of six months ended it with me last wednesday and it just came out of the blue as i had done nothing to upset him. He said that the reason why he was finishing it with me is because he had commitment problems and found it very hard to commit. I sent a letter to him and texts telling him how i feel and that, he then texted me saying that he thinks we need time away from each other atleast until my exams have finished. After he ended it he said that he wanted to be mates and would like it if i would too, how would this work? And what did that text mean? I miss him so much and want him back and hope that one day i will get him back.


I do not know what the text means and why he broke up with me and how i can get over this


please help


thankyou x

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But then today i texted him something silly that i was over him and he is worth nothing and that he did me a favour by breaking up with me and i now regret doing it as this may have led him, to not want to get back with me .

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god it must be such a shock for you. Its gotta hurt real bad. We have all been there before, so sorry you going through this. Know what its like to be left like that, I am getting over a guy i was seeing for 3 months cause he couldnt/wouldnt commit. Its so upsetting as he does really like me, but doesnt see it going anywhere, but my feelings for him have developed. All I can say is you gotta go thru this feeling shi* period and just stay strong and spend time with your friends, so sorry x

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I know how you feel. My girl broke it off with me a little over a month ago. She was still young and said she wanted to experience life. Hey i got an idea. I will text you and you can text me so we can get our ex's jealous so they will come back! LOL j/k but not really. I think if my ex knew i was talking to someone she would come back in a hurry. Just let him know what life would be like w/o u.

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I think he doesn't know what he wants at the moment and he wants you there just in case he realizes he does want you. If you really want to be with him then wait. I am waiting and hoping my ex will come back to me but most people would tell you to move on and find someone else. I myself love my ex way to much just move on and find someone else plus i don't want to be the one to start a new relationship with someone only to find out my ex wants me back and have to break someone heart because i truly love and want to be with my ex. It is all up to you what u want and have to do.

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Hey xtiriax - welcome to ena hun.


I hate to be blunt but his texts means that he wants to let you down - slowly. He offers an olive branch of friendship but you seem smart to me - how is that going to work for you exactly? It may suit him to have you dangling in the background, to stroke his ego - to be there when he is lonely. But what is in it for you? Bugger all so far as I can see - you might take his crappy messages as some hope you cling on to but the best you are likely to get are details of his new GF - eeeuuuggghhh!


You would do well to leave him alone - he doen't recognise just how good you are - more fool him. Walk away from people like this - there are loads of blokes in the world who would love to be with you without being so confused.


You are only young - you have plenty of years left to find the right one. You will be ok.



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I don't think he shares the same feelings you do, sad truth. Any guy who uses "I have commitment problems" is trying to tell you softly that they don't see a future with you. If you think you can magically change him by making him suddenly love you, it won't happen and you will feel used in the process.


Don't contact him. Let him know what he's missing. He's looking for friendship because he doesn't want to lose you as a friend, but by breaking up with you he's willing to lose you as a girlfriend. What a loser. He doesn't care for you the same way you love him. You deserve someone who is willing to commit to you regardless of exams or whatever excuses they can come up with.

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I just cant help but miss him and we had good times together and he did mention the future before. When he asked me to be his friend and i said no at the time when he broke up with me he looked sad and practically forced me to but i still left saying no, he hugged me goodbye and said if you change ur mind then let me know, and i showed the two texts he sent me and they said that he sounds genuine so im confused. I am trying everything to get him back but its just hurting me more and more and when i received that text i cried as i just wanted it to go back as how it was last sunday when we were happy and everything was fine, i used to text him alot which i think he got sick of as he said that i was too into it and that put him off as he sed he wanted to take things slowly in the beginning and see where we go, but i liked him alot and had a habbit of texting him too much and i think that i drove him away

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I used to love it when my girl would text me. She didn't do it a whole lot so i would get real excited when i did get a text from her. I seriously doubt that too much texting drove him away. He is just confused and doesn't know what he wants right now. Just give him space and he will realize what he lost.

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I know what u mean. I am worried about the same thing with my ex. I have come to accept the fact even though i don't like it is that what happens is going to happen. If you are meant to be with that person you will be. If not you won't. I would say give him a little time and a little space and don't contact him for several days. Then try to just text him to see how he is doing. Then let it lie for a week or so. I would not go straight no contact but low contact to give him a chance to miss you and believe me he will.

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I dont think that he will to be honest i mean me i miss him like mad and he knows i do. i know he is busy at work and that but he must think that what he did is a mistake ? But maybe he feels it was the right thing to do as he never wanted me in the first place. Im like writing him another letter right now like i did before but i dont even know if he read the last one and it hurts so bad as we were fine like 2 days before he broke up with me

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Hiya, Would just like to say that the more you chase someone, the faster they run, so take a deep breath and do your best not to contact him, let him come to you first.If he does then dont mention the relationship, just be friendly, if he doesnt then you have lost nothing. You are a lovely looking lady, if he doesnt appreciate you, then someone else most definitely will!


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That sounds all too familiar to me also. I thought me and my ex were doing just fine and out of no where she hits me with all of this. What made it worse was that we had gotten back together after about a 4 month break and she told me that she never wanted to hurt me again and she truly believed i was her soul mate. I thought after hearing that, we would be together 4ever and boy was i wrong. I know she knows i miss her like crazy because i would cry everytime i saw her after we had broken up because i am very emotional when it comes to stuff like that. I even contacted her mom because we became close and her mom absolutly loves me (even though i am almost ten years older than her daughter) and she told me that after we broke up she told her mom that she felt like we would be married one day. And honestly that is the only thing keeping me going right now. But just be strong and limit contact for a while until you can see clearly and remember that we are here to help and support you and i am sure you are surrounded by people that will do the same

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I have exams and he knows that and he's not even there for me and it hurts as i need him and cant concentrate and even after a rude text saying i do not need him it still made no difference so it must mean he has someone new

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