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How to attract a girl?


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I am planing to date a girl... i want to go for cofee...pub..dance ..and leave ...


will they be looks for physical relationship ?


I am a software engineer and good looking .. lean !


I thought about dating sites ... search add friends and chat and ask for meeting !


Please advice !

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There are a lot of different ways to meet women. Your best bet outside of a dating site (which in my opinion are usually a waste of money for the women you meet) is to decide what types of girls you want to meet and determine where that type would hang out. For example, bars are usually a bad place to meet women if you're looking for something serious. Cafes, bookstores, places near the gym (don't meet women at the gym), or even the supermarket at the right times of day are places to meet single women looking for something more long term. Obviously there are exceptions to every rule, but this is a generalization for the best probability of finding what you're looking for. If you need advice on approaching women, let me know.

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I dabble in software, and I've been told I look like an Abercrombie model (not sure if that's good for a straight guy). What are you, a beach bum?



lol abercrombie model


i dabble in wakeboarding and yes, i am a beach bum or hoping to become one in few years.


i rasie my beer to the beach bums.

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lol abercrombie model


i dabble in wakeboarding and yes, i am a beach bum or hoping to become one in few years.


i rasie my beer to the beach bums.


Congrats. I'm sure you'll be a very successful bum.


As to Vega, it is a good idea to be yourself when meeting women, but not too much. You don't want to scare her off. ;-) No lines, no games (just the dating game). Women appreciate that.

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Offer to defragment her soft drive. When she says "what's a soft drive?" say "I have to open your case to show you." then smile big, laugh and wink.


Joking aside, try to get comfortable meeting women out and dating some before doing the net sites and chat rooms if you haven't much experience yet. You will eventually need to meet any women you find online, so getting comfortable in person is the first step.

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There are no good looking software engineer...that is another myth of this universe.


well, stop putting '!' on the end of everything. hope you don't talk like that.


hi !

i'm vega !

you see what you like? !!


stop with that. just be you. that's all you can do to attract women.


LOL. These two posts cracked me up.


OP, just be yourself. Thats what we want. I hate dating a guy who puts on a show, then later you find out he's nothing like he came off in the beginning.

That's so annoying.

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So how do you put the advice "Be yourself" into practice? Imagine you are in a crowded bar. You see that attractive women laughing with her friends. How are you going to start a conversation using the "be yourself" approach? Being yourself and not puting a front feels good. But is it really going to help you get that girl who is standing, surrounded by her friends after she has rejected a few guys in the room. After you start the conversation, how are you going to keep that conversation going?


After reading some really depressing threads in the "Love and Finding a Soulmate" section, I wonder how the heck those guys had their confidence destroyed, after they got rejected by many women. Did those guys get rejected, because they were puting up a false front? Or did those guys fail to attract a women, because they had something wrong with them personality-wise that prevented them from attracting women by just being their selves.


I am guessing you guys are implying that once a guy is comfortable being himself, his personality will naturally becoming magnetic. His body language and his words will be beaming with such confidence, that women will start flocking to him. The guy who is comfortable in his own skin will quickly suck women into his presense. He will be having such a good time, that girls can't help but giggle around him as he is teasing girls and making them feel good. I am still trying to understand what "be yourself" means since there are so many interpretations of this standard advice.


The reason why I am still skeptical of the advice is that I still question whether this advice will cause the deep identity change that is needed to transform shy, introverted guys into becoming confident, charismatic men who are not afraid of acting sexual around women they find attractive. Why should I work on myself if I should attract women with the present self that I already have?

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Well, for one....if you see her rejecting other men, don't approach her. Thats a good sign she doesn't want to be bothered. Then again, she may not have been interested in those particular men....but it's still not a good sign..lol


I would say either the women weren't attracted to these other guys, or she's already taken. If a women is single, and attracted, and still turns you down...then she doesn't like whats coming out of your mouth. Some men are so hot, but the minute they talk...they blow it.

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Well, for one....if you see her rejecting other men, don't approach her. Thats a good sign she doesn't want to be bothered. Then again, she may not have been interested in those particular men....but it's still not a good sign..lol


I would say either the women weren't attracted to these other guys, or she's already taken. If a women is single, and attracted, and still turns you down...then she doesn't like whats coming out of your mouth. Some men are so hot, but the minute they talk...they blow it.


Thank you for the reply. I don't know how not approaching a girl has to do with putting "being yourself" into practice. I just find the advice of being yourself just so incomplete. The advice doesn't address communication skills or body language. When I first encountered the advice on another website, I worked on my confidence. Yet, nobody tried to tell me about what I should talk with women and how I should act around them.

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