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I'm such a hypocrite...


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haha ya i went through a very short lived player stage till i got tied down but id say average looks and a little chubby...blond hair blue eyes walking in with my motorcycle helmet helps but really its alot about attitude...but i do think women have to rely a little more on looks then guys do. Just hte way of the world.

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tell me sunshine how can you regret something but feel like you didnt make a mistake?

percieved mistakes are founded on regret and guilt is a spawn of that is it not?

"It is a very selfish way to be and it did get old, and I did begin to feel guilt for the men I hurt. The power I felt was incredible, but ultimately I knew it was wrong."


"I don't feel that I made mistakes and learned a lesson. I don't regret any of it. "


I never once said that I regretted it, that's an assumtion you're making on some sort of belief that you have. Yeah, I started to feel guilty, but I didn't regret it. Just like how I feel guilty when I have a second piece of chocolate cake - but I sure don't regret it!

In the beginning I laughed at how men were like puppets and I could make them 'dance', but after a while, when I got over my man hating phase, I thought 'man, I feel bad for these guys, I gotta stop walking all over them'. So I did. Case closed, done that chapter of my life, start a new one. No regrets.

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I don't see why everyones making such a "BIG" deal out of this. There are always women complaining about how their "husbands or boyfriends" have been cheating on them and have multiple partners. What's wrong with what I am going to do? I'm seeking revenge for all those women out there who have been dissed and played time and time again. I don't see anything wrong with what I am going to do if I keep myself safe. & NO, I don't plan on sleeping with all the men I play for a fool. & Yes, I plan on going after "player" types, the ones you just KNOW play games. I won't go after the "goody" "goody" ones who are sincere. I couldn't do that. It would break my heart to break their heart.

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Simple - you become high maintenance, high demand........and you won't give anybody the time of day without a high price for your time.


You need a list of how much your services adn time are worth - and you charge accordingly.

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I don't see why everyones making such a "BIG" deal out of this. There are always women complaining about how their "husbands or boyfriends" have been cheating on them and have multiple partners. What's wrong with what I am going to do? I'm seeking revenge for all those women out there who have been dissed and played time and time again. I don't see anything wrong with what I am going to do if I keep myself safe. & NO, I don't plan on sleeping with all the men I play for a fool. & Yes, I plan on going after "player" types, the ones you just KNOW play games. I won't go after the "goody" "goody" ones who are sincere. I couldn't do that. It would break my heart to break their heart.


you know you should really read this back to yourself and really really *squinty eyes* ask yourself what your motives really are for making this decision. Revenge? yeah... thats not going to help you. Its going to bite you in the butt. Its probably going to be like: you play one or two and then one plays you and then you'll go 'well that sucks' and you might even cry because 'life isnt what you thought it would be' and all that.

But here is the bottom line. The people who do these things are mentally unglued in some facet of their life. They are not structured or well balanced and thats why they 'play' because they are screwed up in the head and they need to play because it makes them feel like they have some 'place' in this world.

So in order for you to be a real 'playa' just lose all sense of self worth, yet amplify to others that your poop smells like rainbows, measure your self-esteem by how many people will kneel before you, and have no remorse for anyone's feelings but your own. Only see people as objects and what they can potentially 'give you' and throw them away when you are done with them. Only then will you be a true player.

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All I got to say is EQD, you must be "mentally unglued" then, because you started at a very young age, now didn't you? At least, I'm actually "thinking" about what I WILL or WILL NOT do.


Don't forget people, I HAVEN'T done this yet....So keep that in mind...kk...


**all smiles**


But, I'm loving the attention...Thanks...

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I don't see why everyones making such a "BIG" deal out of this. There are always women complaining about how their "husbands or boyfriends" have been cheating on them and have multiple partners. What's wrong with what I am going to do? I'm seeking revenge for all those women out there who have been dissed and played time and time again.


Eh, mass revenge against people you don't know? Sounds pretty sociopathic to me.


I don't see anything wrong with what I am going to do if I keep myself safe. & NO, I don't plan on sleeping with all the men I play for a fool. & Yes, I plan on going after "player" types, the ones you just KNOW play games. I won't go after the "goody" "goody" ones who are sincere. I couldn't do that. It would break my heart to break their heart.


It just seems like a waste of time. Why not try to better yourself, work on your life instead of wasting your energy in acts of anonymous revenge?

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