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I'm such a hypocrite...


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I shouldn't be writing under "relationship commitment" because it is the exact opposite of what I am looking to do.hehe


I need some help from both the males and females on this site. I want to know how to become a true "player". I seriously want to use men for my advantage and get what I want out of them. That is why I am coming to ena for help. I need some advice on the type of things I need to do and say to make this happen.


**REMEMBER** the sooner the BETTER!!


Some help please


Got questions???? Just ask!

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extra flirtatious with ugly guys and you better be hot yourself....look for the boys who suffer from "GGS" good guy syndrome...theyll be the ones with a lot of girlfriends cause no one can see them as sexable they may not be bad looking but probably more shy and more willing to listen to your problems...give these guys a little extra attention and a kiss or two and theyll want to give you the shirts off their backs all the while thinking your in love with them.

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I don't think it's something you can really learn, I think you either have it, or you don't. Ever seen TV shows where a geeky guy gets a make over then trys to go on a date? Still a geek. Being a player is something that comes naturally.


But if you're going to give it a try anyway, it's all about sex appeal. I went through a phase after I got out of a long term relationship where I was bitter toward men. To get what I wanted, all I did was smile, be charming, flirty, sweet, and make them think you're going to sleep with them (but don't actually do it). Oh the things I could get men to do!! It was such a power trip.


I'd like to note that this was just a phase. At the time I enjoyed it, but I did hurt some good men that didn't deserve what I did to them. My bitterness subsided and I quit my men using ways. The power can be intoxicating, so be careful!!!!!!!

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extra flirtatious with ugly guys and you better be hot yourself....look for the boys who suffer from "GGS" good guy syndrome...theyll be the ones with a lot of girlfriends cause no one can see them as sexable they may not be bad looking but probably more shy and more willing to listen to your problems...give these guys a little extra attention and a kiss or two and theyll want to give you the shirts off their backs all the while thinking your in love with them.


Yes, you better be hot yourself is true. I didn't want to say that, but it's pretty much a must to pull it off.

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and dont be surprised in your game play if you get played too lol but also learning where to pick up guys...dont bother being a playette at bars/frat parties....your only going to find other players there who wont bother giving you anything other then sex...if thats what you want then party on but if your looking for a puppet to play with your going to have to hit up the nerdy movies...chronicles are out btw...if your in college then lirbraries and food place hang outs are good...dance classes...just think outside the box there are a lot of guys out there who are just asking to be walked all over and its in my opinion that some need to be before they can ever learn so i guess you might as well be their teacher...but please for the sake of some decency if your gonna walk all over a virgin can you at least take his virginity so he doesnt kill himself later...that would suck cause odds are he could be a totally fine functioning human being later in life.



edit: yes i know im taking a very cynical route to look at things here but its what the op was asking for so here it is.

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i was never one of those people who caved into the 'give the people what they want' idea.

so i wont encourage anyone to enact the very behaviors that have lead a large pool of us ENA'ers to this website to grieve over being screwed by people who chose not to give a damn about someone elses feelings.


And another pool of people are the retired 'playerettes' who finally figured out how much damage their little game that they so desperately wanted to play in ended up biting them in the (bleep) and now they are at a loss for what to do now.


Its the same as telling a wannabe cheater the best way to cheat. Sure i could tell you.. but it wouldnt do you any favors.

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everyone has their own path and it isnt up to me to tell them what is right for them and what will or wont be in their best interest because i have no idea...so ill just give to what knowledge i have and allow the op to filter it with her own discretion...shes an adult...hopefully and as thus can take the information and do with it as she will.

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And another pool of people are the retired 'playerettes' who finally figured out how much damage their little game that they so desperately wanted to play in ended up biting them in the (bleep) and now they are at a loss for what to do now.




Don't be so quick to lump us all into one catagory. I'm a 'retired playerette' and I never got bit in the butt, and I'm certainly not at a loss for what to do.


My couple of years playing was so self gratifying. I played my female charms in a manner that it seems Knightinshiningarmor knows very well (listen to that guy op, he knows what he is talking about). It's just that I finally grew out of it. It is a very selfish way to be and it did get old, and I did begin to feel guilt for the men I hurt. The power I felt was incredible, but ultimately I knew it was wrong.

Anyway, there was no crashing as you have indicated. I just moved on from it. I'm now happily married and life is great

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everyone has their own path and it isnt up to me to tell them what is right for them and what will or wont be in their best interest because i have no idea...so ill just give to what knowledge i have and allow the op to filter it with her own discretion...shes an adult...hopefully and as thus can take the information and do with it as she will.


thats one way of looking at it. but another is that this is an open forum. and anyone who posts under it can and may be scrutenized or made to look at their coveted decisions in another light.

Most of the time it is beneficial when people refuse to encourage destructive behaviors.

so.. i am taking my own little path, and enlightening. you are taking yours and encouraging. neither one is right. They are all different shades of grey.

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who said i was lumping? you want me to mention ALL the pools in ena??

okay here i go: lol just kidding.. Too many pools to count.


*sidenote. i am a retired pl too. I learned the same lesson you did. So why not educate others not to make the same mistakes?

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thats one way of looking at it. but another is that this is an open forum. and anyone who posts under it can and may be scrutenized or made to look at their coveted decisions in another light.

Most of the time it is beneficial when people refuse to encourage destructive behaviors.

so.. i am taking my own little path, and enlightening. you are taking yours and encouraging. neither one is right. They are all different shades of grey.


yes i agree with you...i just felt one of your earlier post was a passive aggressive attack on my "encouraging" but mainly i was just trying to give a point of view i figured she wouldnt get from the average ena...


basically i dont blame these girls for taking advantage of guys or vice versa for that matter i blame people who allow themselves to be taken advantage of...and the sad part is....there are so many...im going to generalize here because its what i personally see more often...but there are so many guys out there who not only allow themselves to be taken advantage but it seems a majority of those being taken for a ride are seriously asking for it...So many guys just bow down to the almighty vag and stumble over backwards to do anything to please it.


so moral of the story...dont blame the lion for doing whats natural blame the zookeep who walks into his cage wearing a meat suit during feeding.

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*sidenote. i am a retired pl too. I learned the same lesson you did. So why not educate others not to make the same mistakes?


I don't want to get off the ops topic here, but you're 20 years old!!! How in the world can you consider yourself a retired playerette? You're just a young pup who still has a lot to learn!


Anyway, all I was trying to say is that I don't feel that I made mistakes and learned a lesson. I don't regret any of it. It was a stage of life and if the op wants to know how to pull it off, then I'll put in my two cents.

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I don't want to get off the ops topic here, but you're 20 years old!!! How in the world can you consider yourself a retired playerette? You're just a young pup who still has a lot to learn!


you dont know me very well.. heehee. i may be a young pup but i am not your typical 20 year old. apparently i learn lessons faster than most.

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who said i was lumping? you want me to mention ALL the pools in ena??

okay here i go: lol just kidding.. Too many pools to count.


*sidenote. i am a retired pl too. I learned the same lesson you did. So why not educate others not to make the same mistakes?


Ah but maybe those pl days allowed you to come to where you are now...im a strong believer that sometimes it really is "God bless the broken road" sometimes its in our darker times of our past that allow us to appreciate the brightness of today.


-Fortune cookie moment of the day-

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tell me sunshine how can you regret something but feel like you didnt make a mistake?

percieved mistakes are founded on regret and guilt is a spawn of that is it not?

"It is a very selfish way to be and it did get old, and I did begin to feel guilt for the men I hurt. The power I felt was incredible, but ultimately I knew it was wrong."


"I don't feel that I made mistakes and learned a lesson. I don't regret any of it. "

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Ah but maybe those pl days allowed you to come to where you are now...im a strong believer that sometimes it really is "God bless the broken road" sometimes its in our darker times of our past that allow us to appreciate the brightness of today.


-Fortune cookie moment of the day-


good point.

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tell me sunshine how can you regret something but feel like you didnt make a mistake?

percieved mistakes are founded on regret and guilt is a spawn of that is it not?

"It is a very selfish way to be and it did get old, and I did begin to feel guilt for the men I hurt. The power I felt was incredible, but ultimately I knew it was wrong."


"I don't feel that I made mistakes and learned a lesson. I don't regret any of it. "


maybe she is taking the Machiavellian approach in that the ends justify the means...that is ...she can be remorseful of her certain actions in her past but that doesnt regret anything because they were all necessary to get to where she is now?


im just making a presumption cause im trying to keep my mind occupied as im procrastinating about writing my term paper.


edit...eq you change your avatar so much lol

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Ah but maybe those pl days allowed you to come to where you are now...im a strong believer that sometimes it really is "God bless the broken road" sometimes its in our darker times of our past that allow us to appreciate the brightness of today.


-Fortune cookie moment of the day-



"The joy is not the same without the pain." - BDB

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first off: karma will bite you in the ass.



its all about sex appeal... but you def dont need to be hot. you just need to not be vomit ugly. the rest is in the attitude. take my ex bf for example, ugly as dog sh...t yet still a player. my bf's little brother, average = player. no need to be hot. just be really self absorbed.



being edgy helps a lot too. depends on the demographics you're trying to seduce.

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