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Why Can't I Leave her


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Hello Everybody at eNotAlone,


My question that I face today is a very hard one. I know what I need to do, and I know that it is the right thing to do, I know that I will continue to be hurt and tortured if I don't leave her but then why is there such a strong urge and feeling of trying to grasp onto what we had. My girlfriend cheated on me, yet I'm still fighting for her to be with me. She isn't currently with the other guy but she still can't decide whether she wants to be with me, be with him, or be by herself.


Thanks for the help up front.

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yOu are letting her make the call? wow...she cheated on you and she now is pondering whether she should kick you to the curb or not????!!! Do you even see what is going on? Come on! get yourself together, get your self respect back!!


If you let her continue to kick you around like this, she will, period.

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Sit down and put it on paper. Old fashioned pros and cons list. After you through writing that, think of how low you feel right now, waiting for someone that destroyed you to decide if you're worthy of reconciling. I think you will find that even with all the pros on that list, you will realize the best thing to do is tell her to go.

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dump the chick.. trust me its worth it. No more torment, no more ups and downs, no more worrying, no more hurting, no more denying, no more lying, no more wondering, no more guessing. Control yourself and your own destiny with your own choices that you create for yourself. Her time to decide is over, now its your time.. it will be hard at first but i promise you if I can do it and I'm going through the same thing, you can too.

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If you are afraid of being alone don't be, after a few weeks you'll be relived to have your life back. If you are afraid that you will never find anyone as good as her your wrong, the next person is almost always better. Leave her, it will be the best thing that ever happened to you. Take the leasons learned from this relationship and apply them to your next.

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