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who should make the next move?


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I met this guy a couple of weeks ago at my univeristy bar and we really hit it off, the only thing is he is knwon around the uni as a "ladies man" and has quite a reputation, we'd met previously and he said he was attracted to me but didn't want to ask who i was to his friends. Anyway that night i was separated my friends and it was to far to walk home so i stayed at his house around the corner. I didn't intend to sleep with him but we did it was strange because it wasn't akward in the morning and i spent the day just cuddling up to him.


Anyway he got my number and he wanted to meet up the next day but it never happened because i was ill. He sent me a text the next night incuinating that he'd like to meet up again in a few messages. The only thing is i was away last week on holiday and now we're on christmas vacation for three weeks.


But i found out from a friend that he wouldn't shut up about me and "seemed quite interested and if i were to go along to a few more socials we could make it more serious". However i also found out he slept with someone else that night because "i was in Barcelona and apparently it was meaningless".


The fact that he slept with someone else doesn't bother me because we didn't say we were going to start seeing each other when we we're going away for 3 weeks but i don't know whether to wait for him to make the next move or i should? Or just wait until i get back after christmas?

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