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God, today is such a bad freakin day. I went to lunch with my family friends and all i could think about is my ex. I was eating Japanese food when my ex broke up with me and that whole time i couldn't enjoy my food at all and i couldn't really eat at all either cuz i just kept on thinking of her. I really REALLY miss her. I just feel like i need to talk to her again. I broke NC last week and it didn't end well at all. I asked for forgiveness and she said more time =\. I want to give it to her. I want to talk to her so badly right now. She was like my best friend. Someone i thought i could trust forever and ever. And now i lost it. I really want her back. I don't want to lose someone i could trust so much. Relationship or not. It isn't making me feel bad anymore. I think i moved on somewhat. I don't regret anything i did now and instead im embracing them. I'm embracing my mistakes and i embrace them so i will never make the same mistakes again. I just... want to talk to her again. I want to talk to her again for hours and hours and just talk about stuff we did or what happened today. I can't do that with anyone else but her and I miss her a lot. The real stinger is when she told me she doesn't want to get back together and that we will never have a chance to get back together. She thinks that when she breaks up with someone its for a reason and she can't reconcile with the person. Those words didn't sting back then but they do now. I just don't know. Maybe i just want to be trusted again. Thats just something she can't give to me right now. I think i still need time before i talk to her but this urge to talk to her again is making me crazy. I just want some advice to hold me down so this won't happen. I still need to heal but ... i just want to like still talk to her like the old days. It's just so god damn hard right now. God i thought i was over her a few days ago and this * * * * happens.

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I don't know.. the first time i talked to her we had a fairly normal convo till i brought up forgiveness then it all went to hell -_- stupid me.


She said she still needs more time and i told her i'll give it to her. But... i just want to talk to her again and I don't want this feeling because i know its obsessive and somewhat needy.


If I could tell you that she'll let me talk to her i wish i could but i can't read her mind.

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