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Cyber Dumped!


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I must laugh right now because it's the only way that I know how to make out my so called "Cyber R". Holy S***! Started chatting with a guy online.. first time ever for me. We meet up on a site. He claimed to understand my situation. We exchanged mesages daily for almsot 8 months. We took it it the phone over the winter. He vanished one day.. after NO falling out per say..we never had bad words.


After a few days of not hearing from him I was afraid he was in trouble or hurt. All I wanted to know was that he was ok. Well after a few weeks. I found out he is alive and well, thanks to a friend I had on the site that we met. I have to wonder now what on earth is wrong with a person like this?


Someone who vanishes after telling you all the wonderful stuff.. and making you believe that perhap's you could have something more with them when time allows. Thought's?

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Happened to me. Just forget about him. You will never get a reason why he just vanished like that except that he's a horrible person.


So sad for him! He was againest beug dihonest and everthing that was so caled bad in life.. what a FAKE.. Slsp.. Slap.. myslef.

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So sad for him! He was againest beug dihonest and everthing that was so caled bad in life.. what a FAKE.. Slsp.. Slap.. myslef.


It's not your fault. Think of it this way... Now you can stop wasting your time on him.

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At least you know he is ok, so now you can put this all behind you and move on. You are never going to get closure or anything from him, so forget about him, forget about all of this and move on - you deserve better. I wish you the best of luck.

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At least you know he is ok, so now you can put this all behind you and move on. You are never going to get closure or anything from him, so forget about him, forget about all of this and move on - you deserve better. I wish you the best of luck.



Yes, I do have the peace of mind in knowing he's ok. I don't expect closure anymore. The first 2 weeks was rough, but now that it's heading towards a month..I am not thinking about him like I used to and thats a good thing. Thank you very much for your nice words.

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Stuff like this makes me afraid to cultivate an on-line relationship.


It would bother me if someone pulled a stunt like that on me.


I'ts very frightning! I will never get into another one again. I was very bothered over it for a short time, however now I'm just glad I did not end up meeting him in person.

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If every time you have a fantasy - you stop having the fantasy and realize "oh my gosh, I haven't used THAT fantasy for awhile" - do you call it up or email it and say "sorry I've been out of touch".


Virtual is not real. That is the point.


Virtual relationships are only relationships in a virtual world. They're fantasies.


Most people attempting virtual relationships - are no good at real life association.

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