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I think I just blew my chance on asking her out.

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I was talking to this girl throughout the day on breaks and I was trying to watch her body language and see if she was interested. Still clueless. She kept telling me she "doesn't do anything" during the week. I don't know if that was a subtle hint from her or simply just information. Anyways, towards our last break one of my friends comes over and sidetracks me (not on purpose) before I get a chance to ask her. As I am talking to him I glanced back over to her a couple times and she looked annoyed.


I was like "crap" and eventually started talking to her again. We talked some more then went back to work. It sucks, because tomorrow is going to be really busy and I might not see her as much. I hate it, but I think I blew my chance. Looking back now I should have said something earlier when our convo was about what we were doing tonight. Now she probably thinks I'm not interested in her or something, if she is even thinking that. Argh!



Side note:


She's having problems with her ex, but would I be a complete jerk if I were to ask her out? She tells me about her problems with him, but do you think I should?

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She's having problems with her ex, but would I be a complete jerk if I were to ask her out? She tells me about her problems with him, but do you think I should?


You are slowly being friend-zoned. This is one of the many things you don't want to hear from a girl you've set your sights on.


If she starts mentioning him, then steer the conversation into a completely different subject such as... if she saw a new music video, and THEN ask her out.


Make sure you have a happy buffer zone before asking

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If she is talking to you about her ex all the time than your already friend zoned. sorry buddy. Just back off and play alittle distant and hard to get and maybe she will come after you. Test it out.


What sort of problems is she telling you about her ex?

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They were just little things. Nothing too detailed. It's almost as if she didn't want to talk about it. We are both having difficulty with our ex's we've kind of bonded through it. Talking with her the other night about if she would ever go out with anyone else and she said probably not. She mentioned that she still has feelings for him (he left her). Big red flag in my opinion. We work together (another flag) and I asked her if she wanted to go out sometime this week. She said "maybe" and that she is pretty tired during the week. Three strikes there.


Oh well, she's cool and easy to talk to. I won't hope for anything. It kind of sucks, every cool girl I've met seems to be with a guy or hung up over one. Time to move on.

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Sounds like she's possibly trying to get back with her ex. I'd stay away from ppl like this. If she's talking about her ex a lot...not a good sign. It often means that if you do get together, they'll jump ship the moment the ex wants them back.

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