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Today I lost it.


I was doing fine, breakup about 4 months ago, I thought I was over the worst.


I came back to find my house had been broken into, and a couple of things stolen, it sent me over the edge, I feel so isolated and alone and invaded, a just started crying and couldnt stop.


Alone in this echoy house that I cant move out of until october, and cant leave for any amount of time incase burglars come back...im in a serious mess, I even tried to contact the ex....


oh my god im a mess

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I am soooo sorry!!!! If I could I would be at your place right now to hold your hand and help you get through this.


I know how violated you feel and it's much like insult to injury on top of everything else.


It was okay to reach out to the ex... this was a crisis. I hope he was kind enough to reply and certainly not do anything to make your life more difficult than it could be.


Again - I'm sorry for such pain and the terrible thing that has happened. Do you have firends or family that can come help support you?



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Today I lost it.


I was doing fine, breakup about 4 months ago, I thought I was over the worst.


I came back to find my house had been broken into, and a couple of things stolen, it sent me over the edge, I feel so isolated and alone and invaded, a just started crying and couldnt stop.


Alone in this echoy house that I cant move out of until october, and cant leave for any amount of time incase burglars come back...im in a serious mess, I even tried to contact the ex....


oh my god im a mess


I understand how you feel, when you are going through something awful like a breakup, the smallest thing can push you over the edge. Your break in isnt a small thing so I can see why you are feeling the way you are, and Im sorry you are having such a tough time. It feels like everything is against you huh? The other day, a few days after my relationship seriously fell apart, I went to the cinema, trying to carry on as usual. It sounds stupid but some stupid kids threw something hard out of their car at me, and it hit me between the shoulders....I just burst out crying on the spotand felt like giving up. Sure it hurt but not enough to make me cry, but it only takes a little something to make you lose it. It really helps to have some support, you got a friend you can go stay with for a few days til you feel a bit better or something? xx

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Ok, here's what you're going to do:


Call the Cops. Yeah, there might not be much they can do right now, but just having a Cop car sitting in front of the house, while the cop takes the report, sends a message.


Do you have Homeowner's/Renter's insurance? Call your agent.


Go to Radio Shack. They have great little motion-detector alarms that have a remote control and are loud as hell. Perfect burgler alarm. Less than $20. If they don't have them, go to Lowes or any big hardware store.


Oh, and take a deep breath. You'll get through this. I did.

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Thankyou so much everybody for your replies, its been such an emotional day


I called the cops and landlord, both are coming round to fix whatever, luckily the people who broke in only stole a VERY VERY old laptop worth about £20 and fled so I suppose im a lucky chap


Although yes i feel so violated, I hate the idea of people looking through my things, I really hope they dont come back for more, they must know there is more after looking around


I had a good friend over tonight, I broke down, we looked through old photos and love letters and I think ive got some of the badness out, its just been such a testing year


...I hope its more uphill from here, im going to get some new clothes and try and put everything behind me and start a new life


Thankyou again for your lovely replies, it just added to the feelings of isolation and lonelyness I think its time to start getting out there and living my new life with new people


Lots of love and thankyou;s!




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Lots, so sorry to hear about this awful ordeal. I'm happy that you have notified the police and your landlord. I wonder if there are any security cameras anywhere around your residence that may be of help if the police look at it?


I understand why you feel violated - this is just awful.


DO NOT feel bad about contacting your EX. It is a very natural thing to do when you go through a crisis. I have done the exact same thing (more than once). Please don't feel bad about it.


Glad that you were able to meet with a friend face to face.




post back and let us know how you are

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Thankyou again.


The police came round today said there isnt too much they can do, I've just noticed they took my camera and bag too Silly me insurance doesnt start until tonight


Still rather scared that they may come back now they know whats here, but I cant live in fear and have to battle on, its just times like this that just tip you over the edge and realise things.


Signed up for online dating today too, its time to move on with my life


Thankyou for listening at this difficult time

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Its odd and slightly liberating in a strange way, made me realize that its time to move on now, I managed it all by myself and came out of it, I CANT be sad anymore, I cant wish back the past, I have to get out there!


...all the info is on the online dating, im just plucking up courage to put up a photo!

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