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I happen to run into the ex I feel bad afterwards for about two days. I think I am starting to heal a little, but everytime I hear something about his current situation or see him and we are cordial to each other I feel bad for a couple of days afterwards.


He is a friend of the family so he will always be around I try to limit how much I visit but ever since we have broken up I need my families support but when I go there he is there sometimes, trying to talk to me I expect to ease his guilty conscience and because also we grew up together so he just can't fathom not speaking ever again. Last night he asked me did I want him to call me, and I was like "No" me and you have nothing to talk about.


I know that hurt him, but he has hurt me so deeply I don't think we could ever get along normally again.


Just needed to vent. Didn't make it to work today, and I am in my last semester of my AA degree and I can't seem to pull things together. Any tips on how to maybe raise my self esteem and confidence would be great.

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Sorry to hear this and hope you find the strength to move on. As for me, I'm finding it hard after the break up with my ex. I've just got to give it time to heal and not rush into anything.


Good luck with the AA degree

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I think you're doing quite well by being strong and telling him you don't want to speak with him. He is a friend of the family: does your family know that it hurts you to see him? You can let them know and ask them that they do not talk about him in front of you and keep him out of your sight as much as they can. This is your family, not his, and they should be there to protect you. You'll get to the point eventually where you've healed and moved on and if you do see him, it won't hurt as much. But for now, I would talk to your family and mutual friends and ask them not to mention him around you.


I think you're doing great to be honest. You're not showing weakness at all. And I know how it feels to feel bad after seeing or speaking with the ex.

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They know it hurts me, I think in a lot of ways they take pleasure in it. They were against me and him dating from the beginning so now it kind of like an "I told you so" type situation. They are just waiting to see how I react to certain things.

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They know it hurts me, I think in a lot of ways they take pleasure in it. They were against me and him dating from the beginning so now it kind of like an "I told you so" type situation. They are just waiting to see how I react to certain things.



I think you should definitely talk with them about this, then.

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I think you should definitely talk with them about this, then.

Talking to them would just make it worse. I just plan to fake like I'm so over things, until it actually becomes a reality. It's just hard because things are still pretty fresh, and also because I trusted him and I would have never thought he would do some of the things he has done. I don't like being made a fool of and that is what I feel he has done.

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