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Confused... friend zone or not?


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There's this girl i'm starting to like, i met her a couple months ago but didn't think about going for her. I don't know if she's feeling me or if i'm just in the "friend zone." We havn't really hung out until recently when i decided to ask her if she wanted to hang out because i was real bored that day, not as a date just had a fun time. Since then she always invites me to do something, sometimes just me & her or sometimes with her friends. Anyways, when it's just us there's flirting going on. Some physical things like arms wrapped around each other, random hugs, long hug goodbye, tickling, etc. When we're with other people it feels like im just a friend and its a totally different vibe because she doesn't flirt. She's also been calling me everyday for little convo's in the past week, which leaves me confused!


So what do you guys think? I plan on making a move sometime this week to see if she just see's me as a friend and what not. Unless you guys think i've been friend zoned then maybe its a good idea if i just don't do anything haha. Would appreciate the help.

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I think you're on the grey area right now.if you want to make her your girl u def need to heat things up, and soon. I suggest you def ask her out to dinner with clear connotations of a date, do it on a fri or sat nite. If she says no, its best to keep ur dist if u still like her, that's not a good zone to be in, good luck

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Go for it, but do it by your actions and you initiate it. Read her cues and either progress or back off based on how she reacts. Be smooth about it.. and always when making plans, allow her to come along with what you would like to do.

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Thanks for responding guys. Well she called me again today and i told her how i felt and that im starting to like her. She said that she could tell and that we should wait before we get into something because she's going through a lot of things and is going to be real busy in the next couple months. Then she invited me to go out with her again on friday and I told her i'm busy when i'm really not, and she kept insisting on another time and i told her i'll let her know when i'm free. Should I just keep my distance from her for now? It's getting real confusing.

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Thanks for responding guys. Well she called me again today and i told her how i felt and that im starting to like her. She said that she could tell and that we should wait before we get into something because she's going through a lot of things and is going to be real busy in the next couple months. Then she invited me to go out with her again on friday and I told her i'm busy when i'm really not, and she kept insisting on another time and i told her i'll let her know when i'm free. Should I just keep my distance from her for now? It's getting real confusing.


Wow, talk about your deja' vu. I'm in a similar situation with a girl I like, and she's also going through a lot over the next few months where she doesn't want to start things up yet. The problem is, if you're just friends with her for the next couple months, is the interest you both feel right now going to wear off if you're not actually starting something? You may not be friend zoned right now, but it's quite possible in a couple months you will be. The advice I was given was to not talk to her too much and date other women for the time being. If she's still interested in the end, and if you're still unattached, then you can take it from there. If not, hopefully you'll meet someone else in the meantime. Your situation is slightly different from mine, but I still think you should have the same concerns I do. Think it over.

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Question on this, how do you suggest "turning up the heat" in this situation? I'm asking for tips


Just apply regular flirtatous behaviour:

  • More direct eye contact
  • Tease him/her in a playful way
  • Escalate physical contact (but watch out if the other person seems comfortable and/or reciprocates)
  • Get 'caught' checking out the other person

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Haha what a coincidence. It looks like I should do what you're doing and just try to not talk and see her that much. Even though it'll be kinda hard because she always calls me, hopefully she isn't trying to lead me on or something.

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