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Being female is so unfair...


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all of those apply to men too. i dont date guys who don't work out/have nice bodies. infact, i'd go as far as saying that it's easier for girls to have nice bodies as oppose to guys. i hate pudgy guys. my ex bf and i even had that conversation. i'm naturally very thin. i gained a bunch of weight this year, but my body is still hot (lol sorry a tad conceited hahaha) but him.. he stopped working out for 3 months and he looks icky to me. but he had a veeeeeeery nice body before. only three months!!



i just think it's unfair that we get our period every damn month followed with fluctuating hormones that screw with our minds and horrifying cramps. GR!


Agree on the PMS part. LOL. It is a b)h! For me I'm not high into fashion and I don't think you need to be in order to get a guy and if you think so, your posioned by the media. In fact it posions everyone. If we're not what media says we should be, then we are highly unattractive. It's just bull!! Granted I don't think dressing like a slob is appropriate you should look decent and clean, but you don't need the high fashion brands (ie: Gucci, Louis Vaton (dont care if its spelled wrong), Apple Bottoms, Babyphat etc) in order to attract a man. WHO CARES about clothing brands. It's the person and their personality your attracted to, not their designer jeans for God sakes


Woman can be picky but aren't so picky to the point where they wouldn't give ANY man a chance. At least not what I have seen. Usually women will give any type of guy a chance. Not all women do, some are like men and have high standards and are shallow and wouldn't date a specific man, but not as much as men do to women. Women are more willing to give the guy a chance because we're not all so focused on the appearance, we're more focused on how men treat us. Sure looks DO matter to a certain degree. For me I have to be facially (if thats such a word) attracted to a man. Also has to have a great personality too or I ain't attracted to em. I'm not to picky on body type. I ain't perfect and I know nobody else is either.


I wish guys would be more open-minded to dating ALL types of women. I understand the health concern crap and everything but still. If she is a big women so what?? Doesn't make her a bad person or necessarly ugly. If she treats you like gold and has a great personality then that is all that really matters!!!! I rather date a fat man who treats me like gold, rather then some athletic a-hole who thinks he's hot s)t!! Same applies to the guys, would you rather have a big lady who treats you right, rather then a skinny b)t who treats you like crap?? I mean common. I think guys should give them ALL a chance!!


Just my 2 cents and experience!!

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Thanks you guys. Sometimes it is almost too easy to focus on our differences and not on what we have in common, and that leads to anger, hurt feelings, and misunderstandings. Life is too short for that. While I have trouble sometimes understanding men, I want them to know that I really do like them and respect the good ones. Without them, life would lose a bit of its luster.



Your right jig!!!

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As for your original post, you were born into a world that isn't fair. It's not built that way, and this is natural selection at work. The best get to pass on their genes. Just be glad that you have some level of control. The giraffe with the shortest neck doesn't eat.

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Being female is so unfair because we have to look pretty, stay thin, balance family with work...It really frustrates me. [snip] we are working so hard to excel in our careers, yet we have the stress of going to the gym, eating right, wearing makeup, nice clothes...just to make a guy happy...and the guys even said they would not be happy with a woman who didn't upkeep a very beautiful body/looks/dress.


Yes you're right, you do have to.


Women insist on only dating the best-looking, wealthiest men, then they complain that the guy expects them to remain super-hot.


I've read internet profiles where the women admits she's not interested down-sizing, but actually expects her partner to look after himself and stay in shape!!


There are plenty I am sure of average not-so-hot guys you pay no attention to who would not hold you to unrealistic standards.


i gained a bunch of weight this year, but my body is still hot (lol sorry a tad conceited hahaha) but him.. he stopped working out for 3 months and he looks icky to me. but he had a veeeeeeery nice body before


Well there you go .....

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i dont know, everything you where talking about, i like doing...but not for any guy. i stay in shape and eat right to stay healthy, im excelling in my career cause its what i love to do, and i'll have children someday cause creating a family is very important to me. my hope is that someday a guy will love me not because i make bank, or because i'm in shape but because i CAN (and enjoy) doing all those things. sure, its challenging, but certainly not unfair. 50 years ago all woman wanted to do was be treated equal. now that we are able to work outside the home and play sports without being frowned upon, we're gonna complain about it??? typical female....

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all of those apply to men too. i dont date guys who don't work out/have nice bodies. infact, i'd go as far as saying that it's easier for girls to have nice bodies as oppose to guys. i hate pudgy guys. my ex bf and i even had that conversation. i'm naturally very thin. i gained a bunch of weight this year, but my body is still hot (lol sorry a tad conceited hahaha) but him.. he stopped working out for 3 months and he looks icky to me. but he had a veeeeeeery nice body before. only three months!!



i just think it's unfair that we get our period every damn month followed with fluctuating hormones that screw with our minds and horrifying cramps. GR!

You're on target.

The key difference in a male attractive body and female attractive body: FAT. If women put on weight it can really accentuate thier natural curves.

Bigger boobs and lots of guys love big behinds. A big girl can have cute, pretty face.

Guys put on weight and they get "man-boobs"; the worst looking thing on a man. And then there's beer bellies. A guy with a big behind is a "lard-ass".

Fat and poor fitness detract from a man's naturally greater musculature.

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I think the heirachy of who has it best is something like this:


Alpha males

Alpha females

Low females

Low males


Men have it better at the top and women have it better at the bottom.


i dunno, women are good on the top too.

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I think the heirachy of who has it best is something like this:


Alpha males

Alpha females

Low females

Low males


Men have it better at the top and women have it better at the bottom.


But who is happier? The OP mentions stress. Are alpha females stressing? I'm sure some are naturals at either end - happy to be alpha or low.


I also feel that it is easier to be a "low male" around an alpha male as you are just part of the pack. It is not a bad thing to not be the alpha and a good alpha will incorporate the "lesser" folks in the pack.


It does seem that women have a harder time with hierarchy or accepting position. I've heard that with dogs two males will fight and work out position, then exist in relative peace. A pair of females will constantly fight for position. Stereotype or fact? Cattiness, for example.


Maybe the stress of "being female" is that you just don't know your place. (Ducking! ).

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Men don't have it easier in the dating world at all.


Men are expected to do the initiating.


Men are expected to put the possibility of rejection on the line


Men are expected to be the chasers...


To pretend that men have it easy, is a wrong assumption.


For those guys who are super shy and battle things like depression to boot, the challenges are magnified 100 times.


I sometimes.. well ok nearly always wish things were a little more balanced and that females would do a little more of the initial work, instead of the male doing the majority of it.


Would really help some of us, who simply put don't have the personality type needed to approach women on a regular basis.

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The most depressed women I know are the most beautiful. Looks matter none. I'm attractive but lack connections and real wealth and so dont have it as easy as some others I know who focus on those things first and relationships second. I know some extremely happy guys who are unattractive with unattractive women. I know some attractive guys with extremely attractive women but they could really care less about their looks.


It's all about where you are in life and what you are looking for. Searching for love? You'll never find it. Strive to be a happier person and you will find it.

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I agree.


I do want to do well in my career, my relationships, and in my own personal goals. I care VERY much for my health and AM athletic and eat healthy - not out of "thinness" but out of longevity, strength and feeling good. I enjoy it and enjoy putting healthy fuel into by body and moving it. Looking attractive is just a side effect of that! My boyfriend certainly does not pressure me to, and prefers that I am more "natural" (less makeup if any, not all trendy). I do however enjoy knowing he is attracted to me - but that is my choice, not pressure....and also it is out of wanting to be my best for him as well as me.


It is all about balance - and I do have the control to live in balance - or to live by pressures from others. I choose to aim for balance and to live my life authentically and true to who I am. If someone does not like that, they are free to not associate with me! I would not want to be with anyone I had to change myself for. Nor would I want someone whom changed whom they were to be with me (or to be what they thought I wanted...).


Life will not always go as I "want" it too, but that too is part of life. I am not going to blame my sex or hormones for it.


There is a lot of pressure on men too to be successful, and be the best in "everything" as well as being family men too.

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Less men in receptionist jobs has nothing to do with "good looking women". It has to do with many men refusing those kind of positions as they think it is "beneath them". I have seen that evidenced over and over again. I have worked in many places where NO men applied to receptionist (or other entry level positions) for example, and many male peers I know have said they would never apply to them either...


Don't fault women for being successful just because they opted to start bottom up and work their ass off in jobs others might not have taken...

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Less men in receptionist jobs has nothing to do with "good looking women". It has to do with many men refusing those kind of positions as they think it is "beneath them". I have seen that evidenced over and over again. I have worked in many places where NO men applied to receptionist (or other entry level positions) for example, and many male peers I know have said they would never apply to them either...


Don't fault women for being successful just because they opted to start bottom up and work their ass off in jobs others might not have taken...


So you honestly believe that a male trying to enter the administrational profession would not at all be disadvantaged ?


I was just trying to point out one area where women have a clear advantage in response to the OP's claim that it is unfair being a woman.


-Educational field and the government would be a different story otherwise I think that even if you got a job I see it as possibly killing your career before it even got started.


If it was just a case of a job is a job is another job, I would definently apply to be a receptionist (or other administrator) but insteand applying to be a 'male receptionist' just wouldn't be worth it. What better thing to do when I don't know what I want to do than to be exposed to it by assisting other people ?

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You guys got to be kidding me right!!!! WOW I am a woman and wouldn't change it for the world. I take pride in looking pretty and smeeling good, I love to keep myself in shape and actually rather salads and all type of healthy foods-it promotes a longer life span in addition to making you look awesome. I love the fact that we are the mother of the Earth, we are able to have, hold and nuture a new life. Proven fact women are more complex than men, we set the mode and the tempo for that man to follow. Men NEED women in order to maintain and grow. I love myself and I love the skin that I am in and no man or woman will ever take that away from me. Please ladies listen to yourselves. We are to be desired, cherised and above all catered to. Then when it comes down to sex-well we have much more to explore than does a man. Please embrace your womanhood and love yourself. Then what is so damn cool is that we are versitile enough to stand in a man's shoes and walk a green mile and then if or when we feel the need we can take them off and put on those 4" pumps and catwalk-Like how real is that ?? POWER!!!!!!!!

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I think women need to hold men to higher standards.

Provided of course that they were able to reach those standards themselves. A little self analysis and criticism would not come amiss when setting standards for other people.

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Proven fact women are more complex than men, we set the mode and the tempo for that man to follow. Men NEED women in order to maintain and grow.



We are to be desired, cherised and above all catered to.


I knew it was only a matter of time until we got a reverse backlash post in this thread.


Good grief.

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Each gender has its own difficulties, this is why we are the opposite sex. Women are confused about men, men are confused about women. Being a male is unfair, being a female is unfair, everything is just difficult, confusing and unfair, just like life

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Wow, thanks everyone for the input here!


I was just having a frustrating day...nothing personal, no gender is better or has it harder than the other, it was my own frustrations, that I have since overcome...


Very insightful posts though

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