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Being female is so unfair...


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women are attracted to a man's personality first. i know HOT women that are with avg looking guys even bald guys or fat guys because the guys are confident, good personality traits etc. on the other hand, im a very good looking guy and of course it helps tremendously but im trying to help everyone see that women dont choose men based on their looks because most guys are avg looking or ugly. yes girls like hot guys.


oh my goodness, you've never been a woman before, that's clear! no, women are very interested in looks and a hot body. personality, of course, counts, as well as accomplishments, but on a primal level, looks are incredibly important.

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I haven't read into the end of this thread, so I'll put my 2 cents in without the bias of reading on further.


"There's a Five Dollar fine for whining ....."


Put your big girl panties on and deal with it. Now if you were a guy saying this stuff, I would ask "Are you going to cowboy up, or just lay there and bleed?"



Life is like this whether male or female, yes we have challenges, but women don't get further by whining about how hard it is. We get further, one generation at a time by being truly equal. You don't have to be thin and pretty, those are choices you make. No one is holding a gun to your head, saying eat that salad. Instead of complaining, if you want the thin, love the salad, they are great. I eat them because I love them. If you hate them, eat a cheeseburger, get fat and shut up.


Sorry, I hate whining, it's not allowed. How do you move forward in life if you are busy whining about what is wrong with it? If you don't like it, change it.


I was a divorced and single mom from my daughter being one year on, I did a lot of hard things and I didn't complain because I chose my life. Be strong and be proud.


Guys also have to be thin, work out, get a great job, make tons of money so the thin and pretty women will want them. It's all hype, just be happy and healthy and guess what? You'll end up thin and pretty.


One more thought ...


Women who think they are equal to men, lack self esteem.


When you think like that, you can do anything, but that thought and whining DO NOT co-exist!!

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women are attracted to a man's personality first. i know HOT women that are with avg looking guys even bald guys or fat guys because the guys are confident, good personality traits etc. on the other hand, im a very good looking guy and of course it helps tremendously but im trying to help everyone see that women dont choose men based on their looks because most guys are avg looking or ugly. yes girls like hot guys.


Well that's not true. Some women may not place that much importance on men's attractiveness, just like some men don't either, but I'm one who doesn't just take a man's personality into account. I have to find him physically attractive too. He could be average looking and have a high confidence level, but if I'm not attracted to him...that confidence isn't doing anything for me.

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by the way if it helps, i dont like thin women. in fact, most girls at the gym are not my type. too thin or fit. real men like curves and i sure as hell do. i prefer girls that dont work out but naturally have a nice body. i cant explain it, its genetics honestly. so maybe you dont have to eat that salad. in fact, i would recommend she eat more food to get her where i want her, which is curvy and nice thick womanly child bearing hips.


So it sounds like you are into women who would be comfortable being objectified and changed by you.

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if looks don't matter for guys - then why are the men in GQ and abercrombie and fitch ads all hot, tanned, and built?


sex sells and you put any hot person whether it's a clothing company, car, dog food company or a pair of shoes and the general public would more or less get that product

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sex sells and you put any hot person whether it's a clothing company, car, dog food company or a pair of shoes and the general public would more or less get that product


hot guy = guy who gets the sex.


not the slobby looking guy with a spare tire.


thank you music guy.

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My thoughts..


Women can start a career based on little more than good looks.


Women can start a career in many positions that men cannot.


Contrary to popular belief there is much stigmatism (and has an impact on dating) in regards to what job is considered suitable for a man.


Men are in top ranking professional careers, but if we fail to get that high, there isn't as much else and we have to take 'job' instead.


Your administration career, is my truck driving 'job', remember that. Might be a tough pill for feminists but 'adminstration' is a high paying career with a lot of job openings and 95% female.


Relationships should not be based on career achievments and professional status.


The pressures a man faces are a lot greater than putting on makeup and looking pretty.

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Guys have tons of pressure too, just different pressure. It is no more fair to be a man than a woman. They have the pressure of being good providers, being strong even in the face of aversity, some people expect they all be physically large and tough, etc.


They have problems too. He might be able to look horrible and get the woman but there is smoething he has to have attained to make him that desirable.....


Men could use the same argument and say that women who look good get so many opptys so much easier than he can. And it would be true. This argument works both ways. An attractive woman can get by with things so much easier than a guy. That frustrates men just as much as your examples frustrate you.

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My thoughts..


Women can start a career based on little more than good looks.


huh!?! what.....? ok, so i can become a doctor or a lawyer or a scientist just by showing up one day out of high school, hiking up my skirt and saying, 'when do i start?' and then they give me a scalpel, or let me operate the multi-million dollar electron microscope. that sounds awesome. i don't even know why i went to school then.

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huh!?! what.....? ok, so i can become a doctor or a lawyer or a scientist just by showing up one day out of high school, hiking up my skirt and saying, 'when do i start?' and then they give me a scalpel, or let me operate the multi-million dollar electron microscope. that sounds awesome. i don't even know why i went to school then.


Many positions in the insurance industry for example will specify that a candidate must have experience on reception.


Many entry level positions into fields such as bookkeeping will require a person be on reception.


Maybe not where everyone is from, some area's are different to others.


An unspoke requirement of role of the receptionist is that she be attractive. Its not right, it is sexist and it shouldn't happen that way but thats how many companies are structured.


A woman can be hired for her looks but she still needs to be able to back it up with brains if she is to progress. However, she got her start because of looks, which is why I said that they can start a career based on little more good looks.


A man in that weak of a position would have not that option.


edit : A man in that position ends up driving trucks, and not considerd to be on par-career wise, subsequentially ignored by some women. That is in relation to the OP's initial complain about the unfairness that men in equal level career's do not date her.

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Many positions in the insurance industry for example will specify that a candidate must have experience on reception.


Many entry level positions into fields such as bookkeeping will require a person be on reception.


Maybe not where everyone is from, some area's are different to others.


An unspoke requirement of role of the receptionist is that she be attractive. Its not right, it is sexist and it shouldn't happen that way but thats how many companies are structured.


A woman can be hired for her looks but she still needs to be able to back it up with brains if she is to progress. However, she got her start because of looks, which is why I said that they can start a career based on little more good looks.


A man in that weak of a position would have not that option.


those aren't really 'careers'. those are jobs. no one ever says that they want to have a 'career' in receptionism..... careers, at least in my mind, are something you go to school for and get extensive training for, and it's a life path - like medical school, law school, graduate school, business school, etc... i've never heard anyone say they want to spend their entire life being a receptionist. that's a 'for the time being' sort of job.


and i do think that beautiful people have advantages in life... however, you're not going to get hired as a doctor or a dentist just for being beautiful, you need the education and the experience too, looks alone aren't going to cover it!

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those aren't really 'careers'. those are jobs. no one ever says that they want to have a 'career' in receptionism..... careers, at least in my mind, are something you go to school for and get extensive training for, and it's a life path - like medical school, law school, graduate school, business school, etc... i've never heard anyone say they want to spend their entire life being a receptionist. that's a 'for the time being' sort of job.


and i do think that beautiful people have advantages in life... however, you're not going to get hired as a doctor or a dentist just for being beautiful, you need the education and the experience too, looks alone aren't going to cover it!


Great response!

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Any thread that starts like this one is about generalisations. And, like so many generalisations, have no particular relevance for individuals in their individual situations.

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those aren't really 'careers'. those are jobs. no one ever says that they want to have a 'career' in receptionism..... careers, at least in my mind, are something you go to school for and get extensive training for, and it's a life path - like medical school, law school, graduate school, business school, etc... i've never heard anyone say they want to spend their entire life being a receptionist. that's a 'for the time being' sort of job.


and i do think that beautiful people have advantages in life... however, you're not going to get hired as a doctor or a dentist just for being beautiful, you need the education and the experience too, looks alone aren't going to cover it!


A career doesn't have to be professional it just needs involve progression and usually span a period of a person life.


I just think women are more likely to have careers. Leading to a shortage of suitable men as those women also desire men with careers.


edit: which may explain the OP's frustration.

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Hmmm, if I could have get a job at NASA by smiling, I just wasted thousands of dollars on my degrees... Wow, that's such a revelation. I think I'll go burn my diplomas and buy some better make-up.

Go, for it baby. Dont forget to flutter your eyelashes and giggle a lot.


They won't care you know all about orbits and trajectories an' all.

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