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how can I meet new people / go out alone?


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Also look into sporting groups. I must sound like a broken record, but a lot of these groups play sports in the evenings and then go for a drink afterwards. That way you can go to a bar with a group of people, and you've had the chance to figure out who is good and who to stay away from.


I love sports, but prefer being a spectator! I will look into those as well... Great tips. At least if I knew the people I'd feel more comfortable metting them there. At least one or two, yanno? So if I DO disappear, someone might have seen me last! LOL

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What would be the point of doing this if the goal is to go out to be with people? I can sit anywhere and still be alone. My goal is to meet people... And drunk people are often only fun when you're drunk.


As a female, I would never ever go to a bar all by myself and stay till closing. It's simply not safe.


If your goal is to get over what other people think, which is highlighted in bold, then try my suggestion. If your goal is to meet people then going out on your own would just be silly

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If your goal is to get over what other people think, which is highlighted in bold, then try my suggestion. If your goal is to meet people then going out on your own would just be silly


Hey Boo,


The OP mentioned wanting to meet people and didn't feel so comfortable going out alone... I understand this feeling having found myself rather alone most nights without a safe outlet to meet people.


I am really excited about the link removed and think this is a great way to meet people to hang with and maybe even a friend...


I must have missed the part where the OP was concerned with what other people thought.

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This sounds quite cool samedy, "You're lucky MD, guys can do this without feeling unsafe. Girls have to worry about date rape drugs, overly zealous guy groups and all around creeps.


I've been looking into the link removed and am really excited to try it out.






Also look into sporting groups. I must sound like a broken record, but a lot of these groups play sports in the evenings and then go for a drink afterwards. That way you can go to a bar with a group of people, and you've had the chance to figure out who is good and who to stay away from."


I like sport period. so the chance to watch a bunch of in shape guys flexing their muscles sound good to me!

Also.. I don't know but lately I've been hesitant to go out on my own anyway. We just had a couple of rape in our city, and I'm leery to walk down the street by myself at nite now. I knew the city was getting more dangerous, but I don't need to risk rape just to go out on the town.

There's a couple of clubs where you do not have to go intot he city to go to.. I think I'll stick with those for now.. I'm becoming a bit paranoid to go out aloen at nite after the rapes. One occurred in broad daylight.. about 5 pm.. right in my friend's neighborhood and she lives in a moderately nice neighborhood, and people were driving by the rape and no one called the police about it!!

That doesn't make me feel safe to be traipsing about town now!

I really need to get more exercise anyway.. I want to get my bike back on the road and start riding again! I've been walkign alot but I think riding a bike gives you much better exercise. Maybe I join the bike club or somethign... at least I could meet some in shape guys. that would sure beat meeting drunk guys... or meeting guys when I was drinking.. and not having clear judgement.

Oh.. that surfing post sounds like fun.. waaaa. I used to go surfing ALL THE TIME.. I miss it so... please don't talk to me about the ocean.. we live so far from the beach now!

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