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i'm back again, worse than i thought.

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You're strength shows through in your words. You know that this is the right decision for you and although it hurts like hell, you know it will get better.


DO NOT let him twist this around and say HE needs to decide whether he wanted to be with you. This is NOT his decision any more. Take that away from him and keep the power. What you said to him was good; he knows that its your decision entirely. I suspect he doesnt like the feeling of you being out of his control after you have always been there for him. At the end of the day, saying that he needs to think about whether he wants to be with you is his way of saying I think I will choose drugs over you. Im sorry I know thats blunt but you get my point. He doesnt want to put the effort in. Someone will come along and they will put the effort in and you will realise this is the person all your love and attention was created for.


I know its hard - I spent most of this morning bawling my eyes out, it sucks. But I know it will get better. Until it gets better, you have us.


Like lit said, come over to the psycho ex thread, I love the people in there its like a big party! Lol. And if one of us is feeling down the rest are all there to console. I have benefited from that lol!


I hope you feel better soon, this isnt a pain I would wish on my worst enemy. Good luck xx

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