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Need to stop feeling like this already!

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It's been more than seven months since we broke up and a month and a half since I had any contact with him. But after all this time, I can't seem to get over being sad about it. I still feel so horribly betrayed and am so sick of it. I KNOW I am better without him so why does it still feel so bad? A friend got his Ph.D today and the whole celebration all I thought about was how he wouldn't be there when I get mine next year.

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The heart deals with things in its own time. I wish there were a pill we could take to make it go away, but we can't.


Just set a goal to get through each day as positive as you can. Then the next, next...next thing you know it will be a blur and not as sharp to cut into you. That's how I got over an ex the time before this one.

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Remember, you only get so many days on this earth before you die. Decide for yourself just how many are you going to spend mourning and moping after some person who no longer loves you. You could totally bypass someone who could make you so happy! Time is promised to no one. Think about it.

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You are absolutely right- I know there is no point moping around for someone who NEVER loved me. But it's how I feel right now. There are days when I tell myself I'm just being ridiculous but this sort of sadness is always there. Last weekend I was BBQing with friends and the only thing I could do to stop me from feeling sad was to think about the stuff he did to make me and keep me angry.

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