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Does anyone else get irritated that,....

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I was reading other threads about underage people wanting to buy sex toys and it just makes me SO mad that, in the uk at least, you can GET MARRIED (with your parents consent), HAVE SEX AND thereforeee A BABY at 16 but you cant buy a dildo till you are 18!? Or watch anyone else having sex, in porn or whatever.

HOW does that make ANY sense??!?!!!!!


You can bring another life who is fully dependant on you into the world at 16 but you cant own a piece of vibrating plastic till your 18?!!!!!



If maybe we were a bit more educated about the fact you dont need to have sex with someone else to give yourself pleasurable feelings (and could have a great "sex life" with yourself and your plastic hahaha) then maybe people would be more sensible.



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Yep!!! I hear you!lol


And you have to be 18 to buy alcohol,but the signs in the supermarket etc say you must look at least 21??? Or have they raised the legal age limit again?


I think the MP's get a little bored after a few rounds of golf & randomly pick out laws to change..

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Yep!!! I hear you!lol


And you have to be 18 to buy alcohol,but the signs in the supermarket etc say you must look at least 21??? Or have they raised the legal age limit again?


I think the MP's get a little bored after a few rounds of golf & randomly pick out laws to change..


they should play more golf and let the laws alone

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I am sick to death of the police and everyone going on and on about how dreadful the alcohol situation is.

for example.... my boyfriends house got broken into, not 1 policeman could come for 2DAYS, then 1 came, in the meanwhile his family (a single mother alone in the house) were left with a open window and crime scene that anyone could have come back into. they were offered no help or reassurance and you must be joking if they ever went any furthur than taking details of what was nicked.


Then in town 2 men were in a scrap, about 2 punches got thrown, both mens friends had just separated them and they were about to start walking in opposite directions when 5 police cars with 10 police turned up.


Fair enough they have a hard job or whatever, but they dont care about helping the public anymore, its all about make most money but making thier records look as good as possible now. SO angry about this.

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they should play more golf and let the laws alone


If only!


They are like my a**!!!! And get paid way too much. But thats a whole other thread..


Like you can kill yourself by smoking at 16 but not enjoy a drink on your way out!lol


Unless they have raised the tobacco age limit too. Im never sure because they play around with these laws like swapping pokamon cards! ](*,)

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While I agree about the issue of purchasing pornography etc until 18 I do resent the implication about the Police. I am a special constable (anyone who thinks this is the same as a Police Community Support Officer please go and educate yourself before commenting) and am continually frustrated about not being able to help members of the public more. The simple fact is that they are not enough officers to deal with all the crime, so minor crimes get oushed to the back of the queue o be dealt with as and when.


Put it this way, if you were being attacked, wouldn't you rather we came and helped you first rather than going to someone who had been broken into but the offender was not on the premises? It's all about allocation of resources, and I'm afraid things like this get oushed down in favour of grade one (ie immediate response required) jobs.

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I suppose you will have seen the news about the officer attacked in Manchester? What is happening to this country when a mob attacks a police man??


Mob mentality is something that I will never understand, people change so much when involved with a mob. Attacking an Officer isn't a new thing though, assaults on police are becoming far more frequent. I myself have been punched and spat on it the course of my duties, it is something that you just have to deal with, unfortunately.

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Mob mentality is something that I will never understand, people change so much when involved with a mob. Attacking an Officer isn't a new thing though, assaults on police are becoming far more frequent. I myself have been punched and spat on it the course of my duties, it is something that you just have to deal with, unfortunately.


Mobs are so scary!! Nice people turn into monsters when in mobs,its sickening..


But then football & alcohol are never a good mix..I would NEVER go to a football match..


Oops i think we are going off topic here,sorry

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Mobs are so scary!! Nice people turn into monsters when in mobs,its sickening..


But then football & alcohol are never a good mix..I would NEVER go to a football match..


Oops i think we are going off topic here,sorry


i see Manchester United is playing Chelsea in Moscow......should kids under 18 be having sex and needing sex toys?

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i see Manchester United is playing Chelsea in Moscow......should kids under 18 be having sex and needing sex toys?


Put it this way..I wont be arguing with the Russians!!lol


When in Russia.......Be wary of men with umbrella's!

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Mobs are so scary!! Nice people turn into monsters when in mobs,its sickening..


But then football & alcohol are never a good mix..I would NEVER go to a football match..


Oops i think we are going off topic here,sorry


I'm a football fan, and attend games here and abroad. I've never had any problems. It's a tiny minority that cause the trouble and give everyone else a bad name.


Yes back to topic

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can't the same be said for englishmen...why are people under 18 having sex? they should be studying and preparing for a future, especially in the UK


I had a LTR between 15-19 and I got 11 A*s at GCSE and 4 A Grade A levels, so I don't think the two have to be mutually exclusive. Ever heard of work-life balance?

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the police around where i live dont care about domestic violence. they want to do car chaises and drug raids..


no offence to the cop...


I can't speak for any other country, but that certianly isn't the case here in the UK where domestic violence is a top priority, and no offence taken. There are good and bad Officers in the Police Service, just as there are good and bad workers in all walks of life, we're not perfect anymore than anyone else.

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HAAA HAAAAA. Just use a brush or something. ;-)


Hey look at it this way, America may have its benefits but you guys have a waaaayy lower drinking age. Oh and better beer!! although im gettin old i sure wish i grew up in the UK. I actually did a study and essay in college of Drunk drivers in the US in comparison to the UK and lowering the drinking age. Study showed that the UK had far less accidents than the US regardless the drinking age is lower. My essay actually got passed up to the governor but of course got tossed out. haha. I wrote it for * * * * z and grins but wow! lol

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here is the deal. buying those items @ 16 would probably encourage more sexual activity and exploration. probably leading to more pregnancy and single mothers. that's just my take on quirky law situations like that.

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