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ladies would this turn you on?

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ok so my girlfriend confessed to me one of her insecurities is how she taste and sometimes she worries about it when i go down on her...i seriously thought she was joking but she was dead serious...is this something you gals commonly worry about?....oh and the dumb tard i am didnt correct her right then and there so i was thinking the next time we had a little fun i would say something like "you taste so good to me"...sound move or no?....i feel when i go down on her she has a lot of good fun but it seems when she is close to orgasming is when she pulls me up then tops herself off and its kinda annoying like i did all the work for her to get the credit lol.

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haha i havent but my friend did one time something about a girl tasting like tobasco sauce without the spice...lol...but i think this might be a reason as to why she doesnt want me to finish her off...as i know its not about her body cause shes a perfect 5'10 120-125 and seriously as great as our chemistry is some of our bedroom issues...a big part of it being logistics...her moms has walked in on us once and basically knew whats up on a second time but really its just ive had a lot better sex with other women and im like ...should i try and make her better or just say fuk it. I mean i wouldnt break up just about sex but ive been considering it and thats a big factor.

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haha i havent but my friend did one time something about a girl tasting like tobasco sauce without the spice...lol...but i think this might be a reason as to why she doesnt want me to finish her off...as i know its not about her body cause shes a perfect 5'10 120-125 and seriously as great as our chemistry is some of our bedroom issues...a big part of it being logistics...her moms has walked in on us once and basically knew whats up on a second time but really its just ive had a lot better sex with other women and im like ...should i try and make her better or just say fuk it. I mean i wouldnt break up just about sex but ive been considering it and thats a big factor.


I think anyone could be better in bed if they just learn what to do and they are open and not shy about everything.

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Yes, a lot of women are self-conscious of there "beaver" having a strong odor. I'm sure guys worry too when a girl goes down on them if there "junk" smells like funky town!!!


But I agree with grey just reassure her and maybe she'll stop being so self-conscious about it.


Sometimes it takes a while for a person to be comfortable doing new sexual things and you have to be patient with that. Can't force someone to do things if they're not ready to do them. To me that is a major turn off when a guy keeps trying to make you suck his "junk" or other things, when your not comfortable or ready to.

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Just my two penneth..


But my ex man used to ALWAYS tell me how good i tasted,not only that he used to prove it by doing it with such vigour!lol

He left no doubt in my mind whatsoever that he literally adored that part of my anatomy..


If i was you i would tell her & show her by just putting that bit more of an edge on it.

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lauren its not odor its taste she worries about...and its not about forcing but guiding..a little guidance even in something your not comfortable with right away can lead to a very...repeat....VERY exciting night...as long as your tour guide knows where he is going.



thanks lillie...so someone else who may be to shy to post it...mentioned a bf kissed her right after going down on her and she got a first hand knowledge of how she tasted and it cleared up any uncertainties....whats your take on this ladies...i mean im sure its not something youd be asking for but would you be repulsed by it as im pretty sure 99% of men would be.

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lauren its not odor its taste she worries about...and its not about forcing but guiding..a little guidance even in something your not comfortable with right away can lead to a very...repeat....VERY exciting night...as long as your tour guide knows where he is going.


Women can be uncomfortable with BOTH. Worrying it could smell bad and it goes right along with taste. I agree, guidence can lead to exciting things. So then guide her and tell her she has nothing to worry about.

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lauren its not odor its taste she worries about...and its not about forcing but guiding..a little guidance even in something your not comfortable with right away can lead to a very...repeat....VERY exciting night...as long as your tour guide knows where he is going.


Women can be uncomfortable with BOTH. Worrying it could smell bad and it goes right along with taste. I agree, guidence can lead to exciting things. So then guide her and tell her she has nothing to worry about.


i know i was just inquiring about the taste cause thats what she specifically told me her concern was...and if anything i think she would disclose info about odor over taste but who knows maybe its both...i dont think so though cause she doesnt really sweat and i always smells really good.

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