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New to this whole relationship thing...


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I'm a 20 yr old male college student. I never had a girlfriend let alone go on a date. This never really bothered me because I always told myself that I did not have to rush things if I didn't want to. But as of recently I've been bothered by the fact that I still don't have a girlfriend even in college. I always thought I would find the right girl in college but now the future seems bleak. And even if I find the "right" girl, I would have no clue in how to start things out and what to do during that relationship.


Being single sucks...

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If you find the right girl, everything will flow naturally, so I wouldn't worry it.


I know how it feels not to be able to find the right girl though, as I'm going through that crap myself. Everyone seems boring or just not right.


That first sentence is really the best advice I can give, good luck to you!

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If you find the right girl, everything will flow naturally, so I wouldn't worry it.


I know how it feels not to be able to find the right girl though, as I'm going through that crap myself. Everyone seems boring or just not right.


That first sentence is really the best advice I can give, good luck to you!



this is true. when you find a girl that you will date everything will flow. the best advice i can give you is that if things go sour just move on. dont fret on the what if's... too many people get hung up on that one person. there are millions of people out there to share the world with.

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i personally feel you need to go and just start mingling...to be perfectly honest its hard to be the right guy for your right girl with no experience under your belt it really makes a big difference....i can tell right away...like seriously right away when my chick friends start telling me about a new crush whether he has had very little or no prior experience and i know they are doomed to fail...so you need to go out there get your failures out of the way so when the right one comes along youll have learned something about the relationship game but more importantly yourself....and dont fall in love with the first girl who shows you a little attention...big first timer mistake.

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this is true. when you find a girl that you will date everything will flow. the best advice i can give you is that if things go sour just move on. dont fret on the what if's... too many people get hung up on that one person. there are millions of people out there to share the world with.


not sure about the whole "right girl" but i totally agree with everything else....im a strong philosopher in the ideology that there is no such thing as "the one" but rather "the one of many" so try not to get so caught up in every new encounter being the one because if you do that then you will get so caught up in every move that youll end up coming off as needy, desperate, clingy, and ultimately blowing your chances because your so caught up in each individual facet that your no longer able to just be yourself.

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I'm single too and I agree it sucks. I'm 22 years old. I'm always down on myself though thinking I'll never find the one. Everyone tells me I will find someone, there is someone out there for everyone. I don't know if that is so true though because if it was a lot of people would be together by now, there are people older then us that are single too and STILL trying to find that one. So who knows. It will happen when you least expect it or so I am told. Like other posters here you just have to go out there and make yourself known and migle with folks. I'm sure we will find someone someday. For me everytime I do like someone they're taken, gay, or just not interested in me like that and it sucks so much. Then people who I have tried and hooked up with all turned out to be jerks!! Then I get down on myself thinking I had something to do with that and take it very personally and feel unworthy and the whole shebang. Not very fun to keep going through that and thinking negative thoughts all the time. I would just like to find a guy who will finally like me for me. So your not a lone !

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i think something really important is to be constantly trying to better yourself...i didnt start feeling really good about myself till i started doing something about being a better me...like i remember even when i didnt have anything to show for it i really started feeling better...so my best advice for those lonely and depressed is to start bettering yourself...the obvious answer here is working out and becoming healthier but other options like furthering career, spicing your life up with new and fun activities, ect.

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I'm bettering myself all the time. I am not ashamed of who I am. I just would like someone to like me for me. Not just a quick lay!



My thing is with all the people I have tired to be with and all there negative crap towards me makes me wonder if its truly true, because why would the other few guys say the same thing, catch my drift??

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This thread even scares me a little Maybe it's not other half that you're desperately in need of but, rather, can't enjoy your own company.Blame it on dating, long working hours, problems with relatives, whatever.Relationship with oneself should be fixed ASAP.I think that you should try to get passionate about some other things in life.Then, as obsessing with one idea is almost gone, everything will happen.

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