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Would you live in a trailer park?


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About 50 miles away from where I live there is a trailer park community and there are a few of them for sale. The prices of them are not bad at all, compared to a house. They range from $20,000 to $40,000. I do not think I would be able to buy a house in my life time because they are so dam expensive and I do not make a living wage at all. I do not want to live at home forever! I am already 30 and I am still living at home:sad: How bad would it be living in a trailer home? I mean yes it is a roof over my head but I think people would make a bad rep about it. I have been made fun of and teased a lot when I was a kid growing up and living in a trailer park, I think it might hurt me and bring back some memories but I do not know. I think, trying to get a gf and she knows that I live in a trailer park, would definitely be a big turn off. I just want my own place, I am to dam old to still be living at home. I do not know if this would be a good idea or not? Does anyone here live in a trailer park? Is it a comfortable living? What are some of the ups and downs of it? How do people treat you? Was it a big deal? Or was it so bad that you had to move out of the trailer park? Any suggestions?

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depends on the park...ive had some friends live insome pretty nice ones and i wouldnt think anything of it...the bad ones full of hicks and dead beats then yes...but i might go with allie on this one and work on finding a more stable lucrative job and asap get into a renting situation with roomates if you have to at first.

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I agree with Annie. It sounds like your situation right now is not so great. Can you think of ways you can increase your learning potential? Go to classes in the evening, get another certification, apply for different jobs, work another job to save up money? I know all of those suggestions would require a lot of work on your part, and require you to sacrifice a lot of downtime, but the pay off could be worth it.


I don't think I would live in a trailer park, and to be perfectly honest I would probably not feel so great about dating a guy who was. To again be perfectly honest I would not feel so good about dating a 30 year old man who was still living with his parents, but I would probably be more amenable to the idea if he were going to school to complete a degree/was taking measures to get a better job, save up, be able to move out.

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At 30, i would either move out with a flat mate. Or move into a trailer park.


You are not stuck there forever, and you can think of the money you use to purchase it as forced savings. When you are ready to go and get a home/apartment of your own you sell it and move.

You really should be concentrating at 30 on standing on your own two feet when it comes to living arrangements.

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Stand on your feet if you can but if you cannot, what can you do but stand anyway you can ?


The reason is that it is all well and good for a person earning 50k plus to judge you for being at home they probably judge you for other reasons too but they are not in your financial situation, are they ? and they do not have to live with your decision, you do.


I would live in a trailer, but I probably wouldn't want to live in an area with the type of person who might live in a trailer. I don't know the situation but if I was given the choice between living in one of the worst areas in Melbourne(which aren't that bad) and living at home, I would stay at home. Provided you get a long well with your parents. I don't understand the trailer situation in the USA but my primary school was located accross the road from a caravan park and a lot of my primary school friends lived their, and they all seemed to be ok people.


I understand you work in retail ? what sort of wages do they pay in the USA ? $8 an hour or so ? You cannot in my opinion, be expected to move out of the family home on that sort of an income. In that kind of financial situation it seems more sensible to me to depend on the family unit and put any money you earn towards savings.

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All this advice about finding a better job and getting a better education, does anyone have any specific advice on how he could do that ? I would interested to hear it because to my knowledge the OP has already completed 2 college degree's and to little avail.


This is what happens when you undertake a degree, it takes time to complete and before you know it you're 30 and people are all of a sudden expecting you to be established. They forget, that it takes a lot of time to get a degree and during that time you get older.


Undertaking a degree for the sake of 'education' does not work, it is not a valid investment.


If I were in your position I would forget about education for now atleast and look into area's such as transportation or to see if I can get any sort of living wage labouring. Look into obtaining a skill, for example welding or getting a government job maybe you can join the police or the postal service ?


You're in a tough and unfortunate spot in my opinion the world is the most unkind to men in your situation. I wish you the best of luck.

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id live in one. i just want to own my own place right now (hate paying rent).


If its what people think thats keeping you from living in one then your nuts.


If you just want outta the house then just get on link removed and move in with someone decent.

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minimum wage where i live in the us is $5.15 an hour. that's nothing at all. i would encourage him to get an education, or some kind of a certification in something - whether that be college or trade school. what does he have to do - pick a field he likes, find a college/degree program that offers that degree, and attend classes, take the tests, graduate.


cp - you sound really negative about all this. let me reassure you that 30 is not too late to be entering the workforce. you make it sound like a person who isn't done with school by 25 has no shot in life. that's not true. in the grand scheme of things, taking your time to get a degree will have no baring at all. if anything, more employers would probably want to hire the settled 30 year old rather than the 22 year old party animal who just finished his/her degree 2 months ago.

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I would live in one if it was nice and not a meth addict land mine. It's the same as with any living area really. Do what is affordable for you, the current housing crisis should show everyone what happens when people get in over their heads. Besides, who would judge someone negatively who wants to improve from their current situation?


Good for you wanting to move out and good luck.

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you make it sound like a person who isn't done with school by 25 has no shot in life.


Cardiologists don't start real work until they are 40 years old. Many professions take time, even beyond the extremes of medicine.


I'm older than 25 and (1) a college graduate (2) studying for certification part time (3) taking classes part time at night (4) working full time and (5) playing around with the idea of a career change in the next few years, right before I am 30. 30 is not too late. I have people with M.S.s and PhDs in my classes at night who are 30+ looking to further there education and switch careers.


OP - no, I would not live in a trailer park. I have seen some decent ones though, but I would strive to attain something better, even if it means discipline and sacrifice.

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I vote trailer!


Today I read that a couple killed themselves when their three-story home went back to the bank. People are so strange. You buy what you can afford and be happy with it.


I agree with this.


No sense living above your means right now and if it will get you out of your parents house, why not?

I would not want to live in one for me personally, but if i took a down turn and didn't have money for anything else i'd do it.


DO check out who the neighbors would be first. Some are better than others. YOu are likely to have a lot of unsavory neighbors so do your homework first.

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OP, if you even feel the need to ask, you have a niggle that tells you you shouldnt be doing it!


the three most important words in real estate are Location, Location, Location. Better to have a run down place in good area than a great home in a bad location.


When you meet a great girl you want to settle with you can pool your resources and buy a small apartment together or something instead.


also, its easy to buy, think of all the possibilities that may occur though when you want to sell. Ask yourself, is there a possibility you will be stuck there with no buyer and all your money tied in?

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OP, if you even feel the need to ask, you have a niggle that tells you you shouldnt be doing it!


So true! It's like when I ask a friend 'hey do you think I messed up with this girl...' then I probably did!


Live in one if you have no other alternative, but like Jaded mentioned, you will have some shady folks around you in most trailer parks. Personally, I would bust my nards to move up into something better in life, even if it meant a crummy studio but in a nicer part of town. Keep working hard, and move on up to something better/nicer in a few years.

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Yeah, I know my situation is not so great right now, it makes me sad and miserable. Yes I am in school completing my second bachelor degree. I had only one good job with my first bachelor degree 3 yrs ago, working for Chrysler for one year until I got laid off. After being laid off I could not find any work at all in the automotive field. And my current job, which I work in retail and I have been there for 5 years and I don't make a good living wage at all. I make only $8.50 an hr This place is so dam cheap! My raises since I have been there were only 20 cents! thats right! 20 cents! how pathetic! I have been trying to find other jobs around my area but no luck at all, so I am stuck here So being so miserable of my job and not happy of where I am at in life, I went back to school to pursue a different major, so I can find a good steady job and I gave up hope in the automotive field to find a job.


I know for a fact that many girls would not feel so happy and great dating a 30 year old guy who still lives at home. I know it is a big major turn off..And thats one reason why I have not had a date yet because I am still living at home Yeah, I also believe a girl would not date a guy who lived in a trailer park, thats also a big turn off. She will thing the guy is a loser.


I feel like if I don't move out of the house soon I will never get a gf and I will be single forever


I would like to have my own place but I have so much bills to pay, especially my medical bills after having my surgery. And I do not believe in renting, I feel like I am just throwing my money away. Apartments are not cheap at all, I have looked before and everything is about $650 to $1000 a month. And A lot of apartments also require you to have a take home pay of $400 a week to be qualified and I don't even make that much in a week. If I had some friends to live with and split the rent that would work out great but I do not have any friends at all. My last buddy moved to California 5 years ago.


I am trying to save money but it is hard to do that with a ton of bills to pay each month. I want to save up but I am not saving up anything at all. It is very hard to save money when making $8.50 and hr and paying nothing but bills each months. I am living pay check to paycheck each week..All of my money goes to bills, and at the end of each month I have about $40 or sometimes less in my pocket after paying my bills.


After I graduate I will have my loan to pay back, which will not help me in my situation at all to save money, just another bill to add to my collection of other bills. This is so hard for me, I do not where I will end up in 5 to 10 years just living pay check to pay check paying bills, My parents won't live forever and where will I be living at after my parents pass away? Possibly my car

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I knew a guy who lived in a trailer home. I went to his place, and it was very spacious and nice. From the outside, it looked like a regular trailer, but it was nice on the inside.


Another option is renting and apartment. Is that practical for you?

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You really can't afford to buy a trailer making $8.50 per hour. I vote that you stay home with your parents until you make a good deal more money. My son makes $9 and lives at home. He is 25 years old, and I expect he will be here for many more years. We have a very nice place, and he is happy to be here. He moved away for one year and blew a ton of money on an apartment an hour away. He was lonely and very miserable there.

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I knew a guy who lived in a trailer home. I went to his place, and it was very spacious and nice. From the outside, it looked like a regular trailer, but it was nice on the inside.


Another option is renting and apartment. Is that practical for you?


Naww I do not want to rent an apartment, It is a waste a throwing money out the door..If I had a few friends to live with then it would not be so bad.

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Well, I'd just advise you keep your mind open to options like apartments.


Yes, apartments are out of pocket to rent..but then...it offers up opportunities you may not have had before.


For example, you have a car. Get an apartment in the city; and sell or park the car. Take the bus. Save money there. Or bike, walk, car pool.


Secondly, it allows for flexibility. So you get an offer at a place to work; bam. In two months, easy to sublet and move on the spot.


Not saying this is the answer for you; but the options are bigger than : stay home or move to trailer park.


No, If I were you I wouldn't move and buy in the trailer park. Some house trailers are lovely - but if I were to buy one, I'd buy a movable home. Which is basically a trailer home that is nice and be put on any plot of land.


You do need to look at making more money. That is a huge issue for you right now. And you are going to need a plan to have money for the future: for those student loan/whatever payments. ! And living expenses. And future goals expenses.


Hey, why not find someone to go over your finances with you and create a solid financial plan? Start there. Define your future goals, figure out what you need to do to get there, factor in reality hon.


It's time to get a plan. A real plan. If I were you...which I'm not...you've got a good setup right now to do this at home. So use that priv your parents are giving you right now! to create this plan and work on it.


Give yourself a certain amount of time. Make a goal, to be out by X and X a time in X and X a circumstance..focus on what you can do.


Maybe you will have to relocate. At least leave that open in your mind as a consideration.


When things are rough; you don't start arbritrarily Xing off options just because "you don't want to" . Get my idea?

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What are your degrees in?


I don't know much about the working world, but maybe it would help to talk to a career adviser at your college. With a college degree, it seems that you should be able to get a better paying job. I think it would really help to get some professional help, maybe you have been looking in the wrong places, or maybe they know of job offerings in the area, or maybe even in other areas (if you're willing to move).


What about working for the government (are you interested)? Compared to what you earn now, I think their salaries would be very competitive. Are you interested in working for the state department, foreign service ...?

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Given your situation, unless your living situation at home is absolutely intolerable I'd recommend staying at home. Theirs alot of additional expenses that come with living on your own besides the roof over your head.


Alternatively, maybe searching craigslist seeing if theirs any ad postings for a roomate. Theirs an element of risk in that you don't know if you'll like this person, but it's one way to get a roomate and a new potential friend.

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What are your degrees in?


I don't know much about the working world, but maybe it would help to talk to a career adviser at your college. With a college degree, it seems that you should be able to get a better paying job. I think it would really help to get some professional help, maybe you have been looking in the wrong places, or maybe they know of job offerings in the area, or maybe even in other areas (if you're willing to move).


What about working for the government (are you interested)? Compared to what you earn now, I think their salaries would be very competitive. Are you interested in working for the state department, foreign service ...?


I got my bachelor degree in Automotive Technology from Ferris State University. Since I graduated in 2003 I just had one good paying job that was in 2005 working for Chrysler and I got laid off in Dec 2005. Since then I applied to hundreds of companies and could not find a job at all in the automotive field. All I see is car salesman positions and I do not want to be a car salesman at all. I have been looking on monster, careerbuilder and other job websites and nothing at all. The automotive market right now is not good at all..There are no government jobs in the automotive field when I looked at the listings before so thats why I decided to go back to school to pursue something else. I made a mistake of getting my degree in automotive technology, what a waste!

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