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I'm waiting for the day

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when she is not the first thought on my mind when i wake up, and when she is not the last thought before i fall asleep.


it's weird, when i wake, sometimes there are a few minutes before i remember her, and it's only after i've thought of her that i realize how nice those few moments were.


it's difficult to feel this way, because i still love her and want to be with her. but i'm doing my best to accept what is. i'm just exhausted of all the painful thoughts and wait for the time that i make it through a whole day.


how about you folks, who's hit that point?

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Well, for me it took about a year. But I was married for 12 years. It's a long hard road that you must walk alone, and I would not wish it on my worst enemy.


I know those few moments you describe when you "forget"...they are like "bliss", and then when the memories come flooding back it's hell.


The good news is, you WILL get there. I promise.


I wish you the best.



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when she is not the first thought on my mind when i wake up, and when she is not the last thought before i fall asleep.


it's weird, when i wake, sometimes there are a few minutes before i remember her, and it's only after i've thought of her that i realize how nice those few moments were.


it's difficult to feel this way, because i still love her and want to be with her. but i'm doing my best to accept what is. i'm just exhausted of all the painful thoughts and wait for the time that i make it through a whole day.


how about you folks, who's hit that point?


Its been 8 months and I was doing better, then, he sends me an IM last week. (I then realize that he still has me on his IM list..and he's NOT on mine. thereforeeee, I put him on my "ignore" list. Question: Will he still see me online then?)


First thing when I wake-up on some days..and now, its full blown again.


It'll get better.

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Its been 8 months and I was doing better, then, he sends me an IM last week. (I then realize that he still has me on his IM list..and he's NOT on mine. thereforeeee, I put him on my "ignore" list. Question: Will he still see me online then?)


Ignore or block list? AFAIK, AIM only has a block list, MSN too, IIRC. Maybe Yahoo has an ignore list; I'm not sure. If you blocked him, he will not be able to see you online; you will perpetually appear offline. Now, granted, if he wanted to, he could create another screenname and e-stalk you that way, but you can always block those if he IMs you.

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its been about 9 weeks since the BU for me. I have started to turn the corner. It takes time. I cut everything I could out of my life that could remind me of her, and started focusing on Gmyself and bettering myself. Go out, meet new people and do something to scare yourself everyday (good scare)


It WILL get better.

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I talked to (or was with) my ex-bf every night for the past two years. Now he doesn't call me before I go to sleep anymore so I just can't sleep. Hes always on my mind.


And the worst thing is that I know that they aren't thinking about us like we're thinking about them.

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Its weird. Its been 4 months, she dumped me for a friend, and I thought I was over her for the "most part" but I had a very emotional dream a couple nights ago about her and today I woke up thinking of her. Its gonna take awhile thats for sure.

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Its been since December for me (when we broke up) - so about five months. There isnt a day that goes by where I dont think of him. Its always the worst right before I go to sleep. Knowing though that you arent the only one who is feeling this helps, in a small way. You feel alone but you definitely arent. This is a great place to vent and get advice from people who care and who know what you're going through.

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It's been two months and it is still there. The other morning I was surprised that I didn't think about him at all when I first woke up but then it creeped out like a veil upon me. Those few seconds were amazingly refreshing! So I realized that it is I who is creating this and it is I who can eventually control it. Try to say to yourself when it first creeps up on you to stop it and exercice like that everyday.

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When they have dumped us so recently and suddenly I think they must lose sleep too.

Dating some casually while hurting and the pain of the loss even for the dumper must be hard. I am still waking at 4 am and having nightmares till 6.

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I have been apart from my ex of five years for almost 8 months now, and I was doing better lately... rarely thinking of him as much as I used to even though about a month ago or less I spent an entire day with him and we had been in more contact... that is until yesterday when I saw he had deleted me from facebook (stupid i know), but I didn't know why he did it other than that we hadn't talked in two weeks or more. It just felt so blunt to cut off contact like that, and then last night I had a dream where he kissed me and now I woke up feeling like crap. So I don't know when it ever really goes away... I really don't.

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