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Hello Everyone,


I'm writing this because i've ran out of ideas. I'm currently in a terrible situation, i've been with my girlfriend since just before christmas (not long after she spilt with her ex boyfriend for cheating on her) things were fantastic at the start and I was the happiest i've ever been. Randomly around early feb. she totally changed, she became very cold and distant. This went on for nearly two months before i finally confronted her and she admitted to seeing her ex-boyfriend behind my back and she was now confused between us both. I was gutted by this as its happened to me before I decided to support her while she decided, she said she decided on me but for some reason she could not say she was over her ex. she has now decided she wants some space and i've gone from seeing her most nights too maybe one night a week as "friends" she says she likes it better this way. Her exact words were "I miss seeing you, but I dont miss the pressures of a relationship" she keeps saying that this is just how she feels right NOW

and cannot say for the future (if we will get back together or not)so i cannot start to accept that we are just friends now because she keeps giving me hope. I want to be with her i still love her and i miss her.


What can i do...?


Please excuse my poor english, its not one of my strong points.. not many things are.

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Welcome to eNotAlone.


What can i do...?


Sorry but you should move on from this girl and find someone emotionally ready for a relationship with you. She clearly is not. I would not advise seeing her at all any more.
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Welcome to eNotAlone.


Sorry but you should move on from this girl and find someone emotionally ready for a relationship with you. She clearly is not. I would not advise seeing her at all any more.


backed 100% by ghost. USDA approved. get out now.

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Unfortunately, it sounds like you were the rebound relationship after her last one.


It also sounds like she wants you more as a friend than as a boyfriend. Give her space and let her figure out her own problems. In the meantime, do things that make you happy and focus on yourself more. You deserve better than to wait on someone who's going back and forth between boyfriends.

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She cheated on you and just wants to be friends. She says she chose you over this other guy, but her actions say something completely different.


I'm sorry, but it sounds like the relationship is over. You should find someone who wants to be with you, and just you.

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Exactly the answers i did not want to hear... letting go is hard.

Every time i try to talk to her about it she gets angry with me. She never says anything final.. thats just how she feels Now.. is there anyway i can talk to her?

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Yes, tell her that you are not satisfied with a friendship where you only see her occasionally - it is either a proper relationship (which does not include cheating with ex-boyfriends) or nothing.

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backed 100% by ghost. USDA approved. get out now.


LOL I third it! Shes using you like the common girl or guy uses another person of the opposite sex, a back up incase things with her ex just don't work out how she plans--or until shes over with seeing him, gets sick of him again, THEN she may go back to you.




Tell her you won't be her toy, her back up, her just incase guy, you won't be around waiting and your going to move on. For you to do that you must cut off all contact with her.

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Exactly the answers i did not want to hear... letting go is hard.

Every time i try to talk to her about it she gets angry with me. She never says anything final.. thats just how she feels Now.. is there anyway i can talk to her?


Just be thankful you haven't spent a huge amount of time and effort on the relationship. She has cheated on you. The analysis ends right there.

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