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What the ???? I thought she liked me !


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Thanks to all who responded.


I appreciate all the words of advice.


After getting my friend's email, it makes more sense to me.

I'm just very surprised at her- I didn't think she'd be one to be like that.

The jealously thing makes sense, I just don't see any other reason why she'd be fine with me one day, then hate me for no reason. But this happened after my makeover and the Print Ad came out.

And she's never seen my modeling before (She knew I used to be one, but never saw my old portfolio or anything)

Before that she had no problem with me being in that group and going out for drinks.


Apparently, according to my boss- the response on that Ad has been very positive, clients are impressed, and the comments have been very favorable. Perhaps this got back to her somehow ?


I don't know ? I'm not gonna let it upset me anymore. If she wants to be petty, that's her choice. I'm just mind boggled is all. It's a shame, cause I was really hoping we could be friends. But we can't always get what we want.


Thanks again everyone !!!!

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Sure she has the right to have a gathering of her own, no one is saying she doesn't have that right. BUT to purposely schedule it on a night where she knows her other colleagues will be attending a party for someone she is CLEARLY insanely jealous and insecure of is just plain ridiculous! She is being VERY unprofessional. Anyone who doesn't see this is blind. And for her husband to attend both events is just plain stupid. It says that hey, it's ok for me to act like a childish jealous * * * * * . The nerve of her, really. How old is she anyways? Man this is so high school.


She is 41.

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This might clarify it - this woman choosing this time/date/location/these guests is NOT a reflection on tangi39.


it's a reflection on herself - it's her insecurities, doubts, self-esteem issues possibly on display.


If people don't look at it going "this is what it says about the other woman or tangi39" they can decide where they should or want to go, or if they can do both.


What if it were to come to light that this woman, who I believe is out of town and a partner, has only this one slot in her schedule to have this time with these particular people?


Is that her disregarding tangi39? No.........it's this woman putting this into her schedule where it fits.

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This might clarify it - this woman choosing this time/date/location/these guests is NOT a reflection on tangi39.


it's a reflection on herself - it's her insecurities, doubts, self-esteem issues possibly on display.


If people don't look at it going "this is what it says about the other woman or tangi39" they can decide where they should or want to go, or if they can do both.


What if it were to come to light that this woman, who I believe is out of town and a partner, has only this one slot in her schedule to have this time with these particular people?


Is that her disregarding tangi39? No.........it's this woman putting this into her schedule where it fits.


Oh I agree with you it's obviously a reflection on the woman's insecurities and I think the appropriate response would be for people to just say they can't make it.


It has nothing to do with her schedule--that would be a very naive take on this if she were to say that and people were to buy it. It's transparent from the email she sent what is going on here. If she tried to backtrack and say "well this is the only time i can do it," then I would hope people would respond with "too bad, I was really looking forward to seeing you. I guess we'll just have to catch up another time."

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I don't think the point is that the other woman isn't allowed to have another party, but the fact that she's wants tangi's guests to ditch her party and come to hers instead, including her husband. Put yourself in her shoes. You have an event and another person whom you know of and that you invited, decides to e-mail your friends excluding you, saying that they should go to a different event instead that she just planned. Also, the other woman doesn't have a party set where she already invited people beforehand. She decided to do this as a response to tangi's invite. She very much has a right to plan her own thing, but to respond to an invite by sending her friend's a different invite that she had just planned because of tangi's event is rude. It's intentional. But if you're saying it's okay for her to plan at a different time and without mentioning how much attention tangi gets, then sure. The argument isn't weather or not the other woman has a right to plan a gathering of her own, but how she brought it up and when.

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My husband wrote her an email back saying -


I will, of course, be attending my wife's event. I love, respect and support my wife, and not attending this very important event would show a lack of all on my part. It was HER idea to include you on the guest list, not anyone else's. Considering her thoughtfulness towards you, I am surprised that you would wish to exclude her. I am extremely disappointed in your unprofessional conduct to launch so scathing a reply to both myself and others, especially when my beautiful wife was merely trying to make you welcome. I would expect someone of your professional caliber to politely decline a generous offer with the grace that our firm knows you are capable of. My wife and I support each other in all things and will always place each other first and others second. If you wish to discuss anything professional with her or myself, please feel free to attend any of the Firm's events or after parties where discussions are both welcome and open. As for the rest of the group, they will be attending her event and hope that you will either be in attendance or schedule drinks for a more appropriate date.

We all look forward to my wife's event and are duly proud of her. She is an amazing woman inside and out and that is why she is so greatly admired and respected by so many people, as you well know. She deserves all the praise that I'm positive she will receive. We hope you will join us to celebrate this momentous achievement for the firm. I know my wife would love to catch up with you. If you must decline, then we hope to see you at future events.



Thanks again to everyone who responded !!!



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Love it. Respectful but still gets the point accross. I hope she reconsiders her behavior, especially since no one else is attending her event. Serves her right...the nerve of some people!


That's a classy response from your Husband... no qualms, no hand wringing.


BTW, Lady00, that avvy is going to get you in trouble. It breaks ENA guidelines.

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