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Well i havent posted on here for about a month, been alot better, i hadn't spoken to my Ex for 3 weeks which was the longest since we broke up in February.

Anyway this time last year me and me Ex we blisfully happy on holiday in Greece, she was still in love with me and i was her ( she fell out of love with me which is why we broke up). Anyway on the third day of our holiday the news came through that her grandad had died, and because of where we were i was the only person there for her, to support her for the first days of the news, funny thing was before he died he told my ex to have an amazing holiday so she didnt let it get her down and still had a great time and made lots of memories.

My trouble was that yesterday was a year to the day that all this happened, and i felt the need to text her and say " i was thinking about you today, with it being a year on from your grandad, just think of how proud of you he must me right now".

I got a text back saying " thank you so much, that means alot".

Anyway it got us to talking a little through text, but bar that text from her everything else still seemed so formal and forced, i thought by now we may be able to at least have a little fun together, i mean thats what our relationship was based on, laughing.


I dont really want to be friends with her because its too hard, but she always insisted she did, and to be honest, she would never be so formal and business like with any of her friends. i even text mer saying " this isnt an interview you know, we did date for 2 years lol". and sent her a pic of my dog on the beach ( she loved him), and she replied saying " aww....", i guess it gets under my skin a little that she is so dry with me!.

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Well, being friends with you after break-up makes the whole thing less dramatic for her, and since you've been dating for 2 years and have known each other for many more I assume, I think she just doesn't want to feel like she will never talk to you again. Honestly, it is quite sad never talking to someone who was so close to you before.


I don't think you can be friends right now, but maybe with time if she is a nice person in general. My first ex and I had a terrible break up 6 years ago, he was putting me through hell for 2 weeks (he treated me really badly that last month that we were "together", he made it so clear that he does not want me whatsoever and didn't give me any hope, so with help of a group of handsome and fun guy friends I was able to come terms with it very very quickly and moved on), but 6 years later, now we are talking again, because I think despite the things he did, he is a very wise and smart guy (plus his life isn't going that well after we broke up, but mine got so much better, so that's always a plus) and I seek advice from him from time to time.

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I think that was very sweet of you to contact her on the anniversary of her grandfather's death. However, I think for your own healing it might be better not to continue contacting her because her behaviour is hurting you. Try to let it go. I know you miss her but she is not really reciprocating and that is only causing you more pain.

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Thankyou very much for the replies, and thankyou Missempty, i do sometimes look ok with make up on HA ( thats a joke by the way) and Crazyaboutdogs, i totally get what u mean, im alot better than i was but still wont and cant be friends with her, i have a funny feeling im a stubborn git so even when i feel could be friends i wont be out of the principle though!!

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