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i may need a little help...

Space Ghost

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first of all, i do not post much, usually when i need some help...like right now


*this may be a long winded rant




ok...so i just got through talking to my gf on the phone....and everything was going fine until about the last 20 minutes of the conversation when she got really emotional about how i need to change some of my ways (she's brought it up before). and how i need to show her that she's special and i need to be a guy that treats here more special than anybody could.


it's just that when she gets upset/mad at me, we have our little "fights"/disagreements about it and then maybe a day later everything thing is normal again, she goes back regualar and i just roll with that....how stupid of me..


she says things need to change.


i love this girl more than anything in the world.


we've talked about how before we may be meant for each other, I'm the best bf she's ever had, and she's never loved a guy like she's loved me....idk if it's upcoming hs graduation or whatever is the reason for out semi-rockiness right now but i don't care what it is because i don't want to have to use an excuse for it.


so here's the deal....i probably won't see her tomorrow because she's having lunch with her friend and she has some kind of a banquet...but friday we're supposed to be going bowling on a double date.....so i guess what i'm trying to get to is what, where, or how can i start to turn this thing around and make it the special relationship it should and deserves to be ?? i don't want to and cannot imagine life without her.



all and any input would be appreciated

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What I would personally do (and this is just me) is cancel the double date (does it involve one of your friends or one of her friends?) and surprise her with a night out, just the two of you. Do the things SHE likes. Dedicate that night to her and show her you mean business. Don't spoil her, though - give her your attention, not your wallet!

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What I would personally do (and this is just me) is cancel the double date (does it involve one of your friends or one of her friends?) and surprise her with a night out, just the two of you. Do the things SHE likes. Dedicate that night to her and show her you mean business. Don't spoil her, though - give her your attention, not your wallet!



the guy is my best friend and the girl is one of her best friends.


it's not planned yet, but i was thinking just me and her going to the movies before or after bowling (idk what time we're actually bowling yet)

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In what ways does she want things to change?

-They way you treat her?

-You showing her verbally/words?

-Thru gestures and romantic stuff?




basically gestures and romantic stuff. something that makes her feel special. she's LOVES cutesy stuff.

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when you go bowling get her a stuffed animal out of the crane drop game. spend $20 getting one if you have to. give it to her and give her a passionate hug and kiss. yep, right in front of the double date. she will realize you are expressing yourself again and doing it in public. it will be sincere too.

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